"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

Monday 29 April 2013

Well THAT'S Embarrassing...

Let's tell embarrassing stories, shall we! Hmm? Yes? Okay! I'll start! How about that one time I didn't post for an entire month? Oooh, you've already heard that one? What's that, I did that to YOU???
Well this is embarrassing...

Anyway, hello! Why don't we share some actually embarrassing stories?

Story 1: First Impressions

I still maintain that this happened.

When I went to camp (either last year or the year before- I can't remember) one of the guys who had been there the week previously offered to introduce me to his friends (as the girls had, as they always do, shunned me), and I accepted him, thankful someone was going to be nice to me. So he walks me over to his friends and introduces me, and that was lovely, until one of them asked him if I was his girlfriend.
He said yes.
I interrupted and said "Hell no I'm not, but he's pretty cute" (pointing out one of his friends) and then I walked away.
Needless to say, they didn't talk to me the rest of camp...

Story 2: Girl At Home

For those of you who are Taylor Swift fans, you see where this is going...

So I went to this camp over last summer (yes, I know, a lot of camp stories!) and while I was there I met this guy. Don't go "awww"-ing, because I had a boyfriend at the time, and wasn't keen on this new guy in the least. But we soon got to calling eachother "Aloha" because that's how I always greeted him, so we'll call him that from now on. Aloha (who actually lives like forty five minutes away from me...) and I exchanged numbers at the end of camp (because I was NOT aware he may have "liked" me...) and it was all good and fine and great, until he started flirting with me... hardcore. I didn't expect anything from it, kind of brushed it
off, but months later (after stopped flirting with me) I saw a picture of him at dance... with a girl...


Needless to say I cut off conversation with him entirely, but I was so embarrassed. HE WAS TRYING TO MAKE ME THE OTHER GIRL. Even if their relationship was going badly, cheating is NEVER the solution! I feel so bad for her but I can't contact her... But still.

Camp this year will be SO awkward if he comes back too...

Anyways! Yeah! I'm under the weather (again) but figure I needed to update anyway, and (just so you know) I swear I'm not only updating because I'm sick! I promise to be better! Once or twice a week- Scout's Honor!

Talk soon!

Forever and Always,