"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

Thursday 22 December 2011

TIFiOS- Save It For The Tenth!

There's a reason I'm writing you today... I GOT A NEW COMPUTER! YAY!
Actually, there's a legitimate reason I'm writing today- Barnes and Nobles are doing it wrong.

For those of you whom do not know, there's an AMAZING author named John Green. He has spent the past few years writing a book called " The Fault In Our Stars ", which is scheduled to come out on the tenth of January this coming year. However, BN.com has other ideas for when it should be released: they mistakenly sent out a batch already! This is not only very disappointing for John Green, I ordered mine through Amazon... Just kidding- I wouldn't read it if it did arrive early. It's not what Mr. Green wants, and so I must respect that. If you would like to support the cause, there is a FaceBook group I found called "Save It For The Tenth".

I highly suggest reading any of his works, my personal favorite currently being Paper Towns.

Sorry for yet another short post. I swear I'll be writing soon...

Love forever and always,


Sunday 18 December 2011

Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick

No, I am not writing a post entitled this because I was forced to drive a crazy, Lithuanian girl around New York City to kill five different people. I'm not writing this story, because someone else already has- Joe Schreibner. I absolutely adored this book, which is, as you may have asked, "Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick". This book took not very long to read, but it's absolutely amazing! I honestly think that all teens should read this book- it's an excellent book to read over winter break. Or anytime. Because it's freaking spectacular.
Perry and his family are housing a Lithuanian foreign-exchange student named Gobi. she decides that she wants Perry to take her to prom, despite the fact that his band has a concert that night. Little does he know that this isn't going to be the prom night he imagined- because, it turns out, no one knows Gobi. At all. The entire time she'd been staying in their house, she'd been quiet and wore conservative clothing and was invisible.But once she's started on her crazy track through New York, she starts to show her true colors.
This book is definitely one to pick up for the holidays!

ANYWAY! Hello! Sorry it's been so dreadfully long since I posted a long post, but I'm here now, am I not? I'm going to post this weekend, probably on Friday, and it'll probably be about Christmas/the winter holidays. If you want, I can try and post everyday next week to make up for my absence.

Anyway... I'm going to post separately about my life and stuff... so... Yeah. Next post will be about me.

Sunday 11 December 2011


Having a relationship is a lot like being in a friendship with more compliments and there are dates. And more texting too. That's a thing. Plus, people make a big deal out of it.

Sunday 20 November 2011

13 Little Blue Envelopes

To try and get back in to the swing of things, I shall review today 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson. Let's go!

1 3  L i t t l e  B l u e  E n v e l o p e s

There are so many good things to be said about this book- the story is absolutely one of a kind, and the characters are wonderfully done, and the writing is spectacular. I really suggest this book for anyone who loves adventures. A thing I love about this book and the sequel is that it's not entirely about the romance but more about the adventure of it.
I just (like an hour ago) finished the sequel and it was just as awesome as the first!

I promise to post something better this week!


Sunday 13 November 2011

VERY Brief Update

Why do you say hello and not hey/hi?
InnerBanter-er. Long time no see.
So. Answer?
Hello sounds nicer and classy!
NO ONE says hello.
No one likes you.
I'm you.
Touche. You're making fun of yourself for saying Hello.
... um... touche.

Ha-ha! I win! YEAH!

So, let's jump jump JUMP IN!


This is what goes on: recently, I've been EXTREMELY BUSY. I AM SORRY.
Sorry, sorry, SORRY!

Anyways, I have been writing a lot, singing and playing music and writing music a lot, and so on and so forth. In fact, I just finished a song yesterday.
It's okay. It's called "Good Mentality". You would like it. Probably.
Plus, I'm in a show at the moment, and I had a band concert this week and I just got back from DC and my birthday just passed and I have a singing recital today in, like, ten minutes (AND I'M NOT NERVOUS AT ALL... I'm singing "Speak Now" by Taylor Swift... ha ha) and I have a piano recital in December which is yeah a long time from now but I will only have ONE MORE LESSON BEFORE THEN RAWR.
As you can see, I'm not freaking out about it. Not. At. All.



This is actually about my band concert. It went well, as band concerts go, however... my instrument broke, like, fifteen-freaking-minutes before we were playing so I had to use the other contralto clarinet that the school has. Now, this mightn't have been a problem had it not been for the instrument being a slightly different scale... what also happened is that I discovered that I like the other one better...

So. Yeah.


Monday 17 October 2011


Yes! It's true, my lovely readers! It is my 100th post on blogger! YAY!

I started this blog when I was a wee sixth grader, and it's been two years and look where I am now!

 As I do not feel like outlining every single thing I've done on this blog and how it's changed my life since I started it, which it really hasn't, and you probably don't want to hear that, so I'll tell you what you can expect in the next few months!

Sunday 2 October 2011


Hi! It's me. I'm thinking maybe this posting on Fridays thing won't work out. SO it's officially switched to Saturdays! Yay! ANYWAY... 3 PARTS TODAY!!!

(I wrote, like, four paragraphs and then my computer died so this is going up late; SORRY!)


I must preface this story by stating that Lizmilton and I both said we wanted leather jackets. We very badly, in fact, wanted leather jackets. We are just that AWESOME! And the day after this textersation took place, my mom pulled out a, you guessed it, leather jacket for me. Without knowing at all about my longing for one.

And I wore mine today.

Friday 23 September 2011


People who tell me my opinion's wrong.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Annoyances 1-10

Okay, so if  Hayley G. Hoover can do this, so can I.

Sixth graders who feel as though they need to assert themselves so us eighth graders. We don't think of you any higher because of it. Gah.
Long hair. It's always in the way.
My hair pulled back
Short hair.
EXTREMELY bright sunshine.
Elevator music. It's just very obnoxious. Flutes Espana especially.
When people assume stuff.
Politcians. Unless they have no power.
Commericials that make no sense. Especially the comericials for cotton.


Tuesday 30 August 2011


There is an enigma box
That my teacher wants me to solve
And so for the next few days
Around this box my thoughts revolve

Water goes in, but more comes out
And my mind can't figure it out
I try and try and try and try
But my mind just spins about

How, I can't seem to fathom,
Is how the water just seems to appear
I swear you didn't put that much in
It wasn't green and how'd it get here?

Thursday 25 August 2011


Faster, faster, faster.
Farther, farther, farther.
Blink, blink, blink.
Stuck on my
Wish I could
What I
have seen
and done
where has
the time
the time
where has
the moon
the moon
my life
my heart
and soul

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Summer Is Over! :(

I don't know if this is just me, but I feel like an idiot. Because this summer has passed and I remember every day (that mattered) but I don't remember ever feeling like summer had started. I spent all year looking forward to this, and thinking about how I wanted to spend it, but I didn't realize it was summer, the only time of the year to completely let loose, and totally took advantage of it. I sort of kind of just sat around, playing the same songs over and over again.

I did nothing.

And now all I can think about is that I didn't really do anything; I have almost nothing to show for this summer. For the life of me, I wish I had done more. I know, I did a lot. But not enough for three months. I just can't help but feel like I shouldn't have spent my summer the way I did. And trust me, I wish I could be telling you all how much I did and how happy I am with what I did. I really, really wish I could.

Things I Did This Summer:

- joined a band for a week

- ran a camp for two weeks

- I started a band

- Attended a party of five

-Learned "Good Enough"

-Went to Utah

- Learned saxophone (kinda)

- Went to see T-Swifty

-I wrote some songs

- learned guitar

Love you!


Friday 19 August 2011

In Six Minutes, It's Tommorrow

Today, I went to a party that was supposed to have, like, forty people there.
There were five, including me.
So Jenna, the woman who ran it, had to kick us out. But it's okay because the five of us had a party at the park.
and now I'm starting a band.
Name suggestions?

Love you, more later!


Wednesday 10 August 2011

Taylor Swift OMZ!

If you knew my age, you'd tell me I am young.
Thanks. I know.
However, I turn a new age in a couple of months, and you'd probably still say I'm young.
And if I told you I've already found what I'm passionate about, you'd say it was impossible.

Let me promise you.
It isn't.

I think it's important for everyone to find something they are passionate about, because I know how it feels to have something I know I will never stop doing. and, in case you were wondering, that thing is music.

Let me tell you why I'm up at 12:22 in the morning.

Today, I went to a Taylor Swift concert. And this expirience is something I want to share with you.

A lot of people hate celebrities, claiming that they're fakes or that they don't actually care about the fans or the music or whatever. But if they're thinking this about Taylor Swift, they're wrong. Because, when you see her live in concert, you notice a lot. For example, whenever the crowd cheered for her, her eyes lit up; nothing could keep her from smiling. The only exception to that statement, is that if you yelled in the middle of a song, she would barely notice. This being because she gets so lost in the songs, so into them, that we seem like her closest friends to whom she's telling a personal story. As an audience member, I could see her relive every moment the lyrics were about, and that's a hard thing to watch.
But it's harder to do.
And still, I left that stadium wishing that I could be the one on tour, singing my heart out to 13,000 people at a time, making memories and sharing them.
I close my eyes now, and see her smile and then the crowd that put it there. I see her red dress as she sings "Haunted" and I see the bell that then concealed her. I see the purple dress she wore for "Speak Now", "Fearless", and so many others.

I'm so happy I saw her tonight, because she changed my perspective.

I could see, when she sang "Our Song" in that white dress (barefoot, no less), that she was comfortable where she was, that it was her home. And there's something to be said for that.

The dress she wore for "Enchanted" was beautiful, beige with silver sparkly designs, and it flowed to the ground. The last dress she wore for both "Fifteen" and "Love Story" was absolutely gorgeous, and the beige sparkly number at the beginning wasn't so bad either.

And, guess what? Her "roadies" carry around guitar picks with her face on them (in case she or another person needs one), and he gave us each one! AHHHHHH! (<---girly scream)

More later ;)

Love you!


Friday 5 August 2011

The REAL Post For Today

Part 1: Another Instance Where the American Government Is Insane

Two girls, both born at home, who never went to school, want to get jobs. Sounds average, right? However, their births were never legalized. Which means that, until now, the government didn't know they existed. The sisters sued the government to get birth certificates, and are now attempting to get social security numbers.
If you were not aware, you need to prove you are resident of the States, one of the fifty, to get a number. You do this, of course, by presenting some forms of identification (driver's liscence, birth certificate, US Passport). Yet, they still cannot get their own SS numbers.
Personally, I think this whole situation is pretty hilarious from my perspective. But from their perspective, they just spent a small fortune on sueing the government for births certificates to get social security numbers so they can work. But, as they "do not have the correct paper work" they can't get their own Social Security numbers.
They can't get passports either.

You can read the whole story by clicking on the title.

Part 2: NaNoWriMo

In November, I will be writing a 50,000 word novel. Sound familiar? It's the same kind of concept as Screnzy except instead of writing a 50 page script, you... you know...


So the plot is kinda similar to the dream synopsis I posted earlier. When November rolls around I will give you a way to check my stats.

Love you!


(PS Guess where I am? MY NEW RE-DONE ROOM! YAY!


I AM IN POTTERMORE! HA HA IT'S TOO LATE FOR YOU TO JOIN! (unless you read this within ten minutes of my posting this).

Tuesday 2 August 2011


Hey! Usually I type a lot of shpeel here, but you don't care. Especially since all I was going to talk about was... oh, well. Never mind. It was not really interesting any way.
Part 1: My Room
So, as we speak, I am writing from my living room. And I assume you want to know why. You don't want to? Man. You gys are a hard bunch to please.
Part 2: Still My Room
Yeah. I'm a gonna write about it anyways. As we speak, a ginge is painting my room. I know what you're thinking, how could I leave a ginge alone in my room, on account of the fact that gingers have no souls? Well, I disagree. I trust this one. Mostly beacuse I have no choice but to. My room, at the end of all of this, will be two different shades of teal with the age-old gold strip through the middle. ;).
Part 3: BEDA
I'm doing Blog Everyday in August. Or I was until I found out that I didn't blog yesterday. So I guess it's going to be blog everyday in August plus the first of September. Hope ya'll don't mind, but ti will be easier to reach my goal of some odd number of posts. I can't remember the abount at the moment, but it will come to me.
Part 4: Harry Potter
I realize I write about Harry Potter very often (speaking of which I'm going to be reviewing DHp2 on my other blog; link to it when I do) but this time it's serious. Like, serious writing.

I mean it.

Lexi and I are writing a book (current title: From The Ashes) about what it's like when James Potter is a school. The second James Potter, in case you were wondering. I've written the first chapter and hopefully Lexi is writing the second...


Charlotte told Margaret a lot of things she'd heard, even when she'd overheard Jenkins Yule saying that he thought Margaret was "more beautiful than the water nymphs", (to which she said that he had a better chance with them), yet Charlotte couldn't bring herself to tell Margaret that she had found a way into every common room.


Love you!


Saturday 30 July 2011


The lights, the lights
Spinning and changing
Blinking Blinking
Broken, Translucent
From my
World, spinning


Friday 29 July 2011

New Hollow

On a whim, I sign into blogger, right? And then I realize that, hey, it's Friday.

And so here I sit.

Uh... um... well...


Okay. WHEW. No clue what to say. Uhm...

Ah yes! I can write about New Hollow because it will
1.) It will tell Lexi
2.) I can give my opinion on something (shocker!)
3.) if SOMEONE ever logs into Blogger, he might be forced to read an entire post of ranting about a band he will absolutely never like (no offence to the band as this SOMEONE who hasn't blogged in SIX MONTHS and YES MAC I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU. UPDATE YOUR BLOG. YOU SAID YOU WOULD. GAH! Anyway, this someone doesn't like pop music.
4.) And it will be fun.


The band New Hollow combines a whole bunch of different sounds as every separate band member (of which there are three) brings their own influences into their music which is interesting because you can really hear the differences in their styles and you can hear the individual styles of each of them. You can really hear the different styles. I really think what the music industry needs right now is a group of kids who write their own stuff and who just want their music to be heard, and that's what these guys are. And, get this, they can actually play. Who would've known, eh? That two sixteen-year-olds and a fifteen year old could actually get together and collaboratively make decent music? Adults have their doubts, but New Hollow does exactly that.
And their group dynamic is excellent. Each member has their own style that fits into the band, with Chad (the drummer/rapper/vocalist on occasion) being, style-wise, the most laid back of the three. He seems quiet, but that may be because the other two band members are so outgoing that he can't get a word in edge-wise. However, I do think he is opinionated. If there was one thing I'd like to see from this band, it would be Chad speaking more (only, of course, if he wants to. under no circumstances does he have to talk).
Then there's Evan, with the most polished look of the group. He seems to favor suit-ish jackets and vests, and his haircut is mainstream. Surfer-ish mainstream, but not as surferish as aforementioned Surfer Boy. And, a shocker for the radio right now, his voice is actually more than decent. I mean, I can listen to his voice and hear the lyrics, instead of listen to the lyrics.
And then, of course, Mick, on guitar and vocal. I really love the artistic tricks he throws into his parts, like in their Airplanes cover, how when he sings the "it was just a dream part" he does whatever it is he does... if you've read my review of Princes and Frogs by Superchick, (click on the title to read it), you'll know that certain parts of songs really affect me. This one does, as well as the part in New Hollow's song Boyfriend (an amazing song, seriously) they do that think in the bridge where they all sing and stuff. Oh just listen to the song, for goodness sakes. GAH!


So yeah. That's it for my long rant. Look 'em up and "follow the hollow" at HERE!

Lexi, hope you're having fun in Ohio!
Lena, hope that wherever you're off to on Sunday is cool and junk. I think camp. Have fun either way.
Mina, I don't know what the heck you're doing. Like, seriously. Text me. Hope ya are havin fun.

I miss the wittiness of your references and your uncanny ability to find creepy ads.

love you all!

Check 'Em. Seriously. They're gonna be big.

Have a good summer!


Monday 25 July 2011


The look you give yourself in the mirror
When you feel you deserve it
The feeling you get
When someone looks your way
We all feel vain
Fell good about our looks
We all feel we deserve
Some sort of acknowledgement
Would be nice
For the work we put into looks
But no.

the looks we get from people
Humble us.
How do we feel
We have to right
To feel beautiful?
When we're the elephant
In the room?

Friday 22 July 2011

Freaked And Sore-Throated

I don't really know who to blame, but I'm going to blame... well...


The Dream Fairy.

Or, more accurately, the nightmare fairy. Because I am very sure that the only reason my throat hurts is because (and I cannot believe I am admitting this on the Internet) I cried in my sleep last night.

Okay, so my dream starts with my band and I help to paint over some graffiti in a school with a group of thugs, whom I assume were the ones who had originally spray painted it on the wall. Then, out of the sky (I think) water came and washed it away, and for some reason the thugs decided they didn't like that. Hey, maybe the thugs were actually, maybe, like, you know, just evil. Whatevs.

We then did what many of you would probably do if a few guys were being all macho and chasing you... ...

We, you know... ran.

So through the twisting hallways of an abandoned school we ran frantically, attempting to escape form the guys whom were at least four times bigger than us. Eventually we lost them, but it was obvious they weren't far behind us. The guys (yeah, the band was only guys; like Paramore or Hey Monday or VersaEmerge) and I checked everywhere for an exit; the only thing we could do to escape was find a way out.

Eventually I was lucky enough to find a door. Behind it, the next room contained a group of teenagers who were supposed to be dancing; music was playing but no one was moving. To get them moving, I started dancing like the spaz I am. Eventually, they all joined in before realizing who we were. We made our ways out.

What we found last was a gym decorated for a dance. The colors were neutral, brown and creme, and there were two raised platforms on either end of the gym, one holding the DJ's booth and the other a set of seats.

"Come on, we have to go!" One of the guys yelled.

"Let's just stay here. There's a dance here tonight. We'll be fine."

So we went and sat in the seats. I sat down and one of my band members (we'll call him J) sat next to me while the others sat a few rows behind.

"You know, if you'd wanted to start a band you could've expressed an interest. Told us."

I said nothing.

He was right. In his opinion...

"You wanna dance?" I asked J.

"What, are you going to try to get all the guys to dance with you," with a quick roll of my eyes, I stood.

"Hey, Rex. GOSTYN is waiting for you at the door. Why don't you go meet him?" Someone yelled up to me. I stood and ran to him; I ran as fast as I could. As soon as I got outside, I noticed how dark it was. It was as if a cloud had covered just us. Just our little part of the world. Just now.

"I'm going to fight in the Taiwan War," he sneered, throwing the whatever he had been holding into the air. A gasp escaped my lips before I could stop it. Suddenly, I started crying. My hands covered my mouth, they wiped my eyes, they smoothed my hair. His twisted and turned, a habit of his. I tired to conceal from him just how painful the thought of him, my GOSTYN, going to war was. My thoughts and pulse raced, the tears fell, and he stood there silently. As if the crying girl who stood before him was the most delicate stranger in the world. As if my frame would break if he moved. As if he were worried about me.

"Okay. Okay... why... uh, oh... okay..." I stuttered out. He stared at me, his eyes boring into mine, burning with something I couldn't comprehend. All I felt was fear; what if he didn't come back? Or, worse... he came back hurt? It was one thing to feel the pain for a moment. But for him to have to live the rest of his life with the pain another man caused in war, maybe in vain?

What if he changed?

It felt as though if he were to change, my world would change around me. Slowly shifting into a new place, a place it wouldn't belong and a place where I'm sure I wouldn't want to be.

The image shifted to one of me at the party, pretending to be fine.


A mask of happiness covering the total anguish I felt with every fibre of my being.


When I was crying in my dreams, I must've cried in real life.

This shook me up because GOSTYN is someone I wouldn't want to see go off to war; someone I'd like to know better and think that, if that were the future, I would.


Good Night!


PS GOSTYN is actually a real person, but I changed his name. If you want to guess who, let me give you a hint.

If you're very close to me, you know him.

And I sort of mean proximity.

Friday 8 July 2011

It So Happens To Be Friday Again

Hello People! I have a computer and lots of time to kill so this post will actually be substantial (hopefully)! Anyway, we shall have four parts today: Part 1: The Fault In Our Stars. Part 2: Doctor Who? Part 3: Harry Potter Comes To An End... Or Not? and Part 4: How to Run A Kamp 4 Kids!



As many of you may know, I am a HUGE John Green fan. And you'll never guess what's coming... DRUM-ROLL PLEASE... (duh duh duh duh duh duh DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH!)
He Wrote A New Book! (Insert girlish screams here.... because I can't do it out loud because my mom is on the couch next to me napping. Ha ha. That would be bad because she'd be grumpy.)

Anyway, it's called The Fault In Our Stars after a famous quote. It's about a girl who has cancer and how she meets a devilishly handsome boy who's up to no good. And a desert island. Yay! I've heard part of it because John Green did a live stream where he read part of it. It was spectacular!

And click the title to see something cool. ;)


For those of you who do not know there is a TV show in Britain called Doctor Who that is really popular among nerds and the common Englishman. However how I was sick and had nothing to do. So I watched the first 2 seasons and am (as we speak) watching the tenth episode of the third season. I highly suggest it for anyone who likes British Humor/Sci-Fi/History. It really is lovely!
Jack's all like "Banana?" The Doctor is all like, then Pew, Pew! Pew Pew Pew Pew!!! "Don't drop the banana!" Jack's all like "Why not?" And the Doctor is all like "Good source of potassium."
Ha ha. Had to be there. Watch. Watch Watch Watch. Pwease? No? Okay.


So the last Harry Potter movie is coming out soon which is so exciting! Yay! Of course, I hope to see it at midnight premier! There's something about Harry Potter fans that make us awesome; you know how I covered Part 1 and there was cheering and junk? I want to be there for that to happen again. The last time. I want to see the last time ever that a group of people will congregate to see the Boy Who Lived because he changed their lives and because they know that he truly teaches everyone how life should be lived. I want to be there because I've never been there before and how can I miss this one.

Fingers tightly crossed.

Anyway, the truth of the matter is that JK Rowling has been hinting that Pottermore is a continuation of the Harry Potter story! Yay! Just check the Twitter. I really really hope it is because that would be wonderful.

Part 4: How To Run A Kamp

So you want to run a kamp? Let me give you a few quick tips:

** Don't let anyone outside of Kamp make decisions for you
** Keep track of all expenses.
** Make sure the kids are under supervision AT. ALL. TIMES.
** If a worker at Kamp isn't doing her share of the job, shift the work load
** In it for the money? Still have to do the work.
** Focus on the age group and plan accordingly
** Over-plan everyday because kid's attention span is short
** If you can't do the work, don't say you can
** Take every precaution you can

Gots To Gos!
Lot's of love!


Sunday 3 July 2011


Dog just ran through our condo. Turned out to be our neighbor's, but my sister was really surprised. Rightfully.

"Uh, guys? There's a dog in our condo..."

Personally I would've said "When did we get a dog?"

Friday 1 July 2011

Green Notebooks and Books In General

As some of you may know, I am an avid musician. I do, as I assure I have been asked TIME and TIME again (*sarcasm*), write my own stuff. The first official songwriting book I had/have was green. My sister gave it to me for Christmas. However, I have filled it up. SO my singing teacher gave me one, also green, to use. I have absolutely no idea why, but I have been writing songs a lot more lately. And, not to sound full of myself or anything, but I think they're okay. My question for you is: Do you play an instrument? Of the five instruments I play, which do you want to hear me ramble about?

(It's late)

Love ya!

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Sorry Sorry Sorry!

So I just found out that if you search "what genre is HeyHiHello and what instruments" in Google, my blog is the number one result. Whoops. Sorry, person who found this blog searching for information. I'm sorry.

In other news, I leave for Utah tomorrow. That should be cool. I hope.

I also hope to write a post soon about John Green's new book, coming out it May 2012 called the Fault in Our Stars. I, along with quite a few other lucky individuals, watched (at least) part of the live webshow John pulled in which he read from his new book. It was amazing and you will love it. I swear.

Monday 27 June 2011

Adventures In A Small Town?

I have work to be doing, instrument to be practicing, and a movie to be watching.

Too bad. I'm blogging.

Today my friend's little sister decided she wanted a cupcake. And that my friend and I were going to go and get her one. So my friend and I got on our bikes (well, I got on hers and she got on her sister's) and we rode to downtown _______ (insert town name here). Of course, the only place in ____________ to get cupcakes was closed.


So we decided, as we had to get something for riding the ten minutes, so we went to Starbucks. Where we bought a mini donut for only 92 cents. Plus the 8 cents my friend is charging her sister for forcing us to ride down to Downtown.

Yeah. Fun.

Lexi's Topic:

Running off Bleachers:

'Nuff said.

Lizzie, tell me if I need to change the video to one you're not in.

Saturday 18 June 2011

In the Bathroom. Yes. Not Even MINE.

Okay, I've made a lot of excuses for not posting in the past. I was tired... I wasn't at home...
But this one? It takes the cake. Seriously.
To start off, let me explain first what I was doing prior to the Big Emergency. I was making a music video to My Hero (originally recorded by Foo Fighters, covered by Paramore for the Sounds of Superman album) that I covered (in the style of Paramore) using videos from one of Mishie's school asignments. She won't let me put it online because it would embarass her or something like that. So you cannot see it. My best work and Mel is sensoring my art. Anyway... I went into her bathroom to show it her  (she loved it, by the way).
The next day, I go looking for my computer, right?
It's no where to be found.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

7 Minutes Starting NOW!

No time for introductions! Gotta go go go!

Apple Juice- It looks like tea and people drink it. However, I also drink my applesauce. Don't ask why. I know, I'm weird. Get over it. Anyways. I sometimes (okay, a lot of times) use the two interchangeably (ie "What do you want to drink?" "APPLE SAUCE!"). I did this today during a meeting for K4K. Which was very confusing for my fellow counselors.

K-Ounselors- Kamp 4 Kids Counselors

C-Ounselors- Kamp 4 Kids CITs

Just so you know.

I have Sax. So I have to go. That was fun.

Monday 13 June 2011


Just thought I'd give you an idea of what you'll be getting this summer:

-Post about how to start and run a camp
-Post about being in a band
-My guide to an instrument

I really hope to share during the summer how to do some of the things I like to do, like playing an instrument or taking pictures. Hopefully I can introduce you to some new aspects of familiar subjects!

This summer, my friend Lexi has also given me a list of topics she'd like me to blog about. In every post I will try to feature one of those subjects. This Friday will be the end of school.

You may notice that I will not be posting from Utah, because (as of right now) we are not going to Utah.

Forever and Always

Friday 3 June 2011

Lexi Posts

hey this is the lexinator! rex asked me to post for her, so i hope thats okay!!! anyways, like rex, im going to put this in parts!

Part One
Symphonic Band
So at our school there's Concert Band and Symphonic band. Concert Band is like the leftovers of people that didnt make Symphonic. Anyways, I tried out and didn't make it. :( Oh, I play the flute by the way. I have the best ambouchure (sound quality) in the flute section, but I can't play notes very quickly without a lot of practice. I'm also AWFUL at counting. Unfortunately, the girl that I absolutely, positively, CAN'T STAND made it!!! Nooooooooouuuuuuuu!!! Oh well, I'm learning how to play the piccolo this summer so I'll live.

Part Two
Scooby Doo!
Scooby Doo is awesome, no doubt, question, or irking suspicion. However, that was before they totally messed it up. Daphne is now smart! Oh, and Velma? She's ASIAN, don't get me wrong, Asian people are totally awesome (I mean, can you say ninja?). But, I mean, ASIAN! And she's really really pretty! She's NOT EVEN VELAM-LIKE! I was trying to make myself believe that it wasn't so bad by watching an episode, but Velma and Shaggy were like...umm... *akward silence*....er.... in the...er....bushes....And I'm sorry, but Shaggy's supposed to be akward! Plus, then Scooby's all alone! I gotta go, but check Rex's last post to see awesome pictures that she drew!

Luvs and hugs,

Sunday 29 May 2011

TurnOnTheBrightLights: Torches

TurnOnTheBrightLights: Torches: "Foster The People released their debut album Torches last week as a follow up to their hyped 2010 self titled EP . Formed in 2009, th..."
Go check out the song, it's amazing!
And her photos are really artistically brilliant! (was that a sentence?)

Saturday 28 May 2011

Mis Fotos De Mayo

This picture is one of my favorites because I like the colors in it and because I like the red strip on the side. In case you were wondering, that's there because we had a problem with the film (I often do) and we had to open the back of the camera. This exposed the film to light (which you don't do unless you have to fix the film and even then it's not good.

I adore this picture because it's on a slight angle, because of the signs, the lights, and the taxi cab. I think the green lights in the distance are kind of like the lights at the end of the tunnel.
If you were curious, the blur on the bottom right is the sticker for our car to show that it's registered- I didn't blur it on purpose.
This is definately my favorite picture.

                                           This isn't one of my best pictures, however it does capture something I've always seen as a good picture; review mirrors. I love reflections, and this one is a good one. However, I feel that things like this just don't photograph the way they actually are.
So yeah. I just got the CD with my pictures on it back, and these were the best ones I can show you.
All the photos came out really poorly, so I had to go through them and enhance the good ones.
They're all really fuzzy and all have a light tint of gray, which is annoying.
Anyone know how to fix it?


Summer Music

As summer quickly approaches, I have been trying to organize my schedule. I think this summer will be mainly focased on my writing and my music. So this summer I will be writing more, pracicing more, and focusing more in regards to music, and I guess in regards to writing as well. But I think I should also explain that there are many performances this summer.

To start with, Taylor Swift is coming and my dad got my sister and I tickets! So that should be lots of fun!
And Deathcab For Cutie is coming as well, and my sister and I are going to try to go.
All Caps is also coming!!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!

And (this is what I am really excited for book-wise) MEG CABBOT IS COMING!!!


(I'm really tired, so LPL)

Friday 20 May 2011

Hello, There!

This post, fueled by sweat, blood, and a lot of caffeine, comes to you in 2 PARTS! But like my science homework, each will be compound!
Here we go!

PART 1A- InnerBanter (It's Back!*)

So lately I've been thinking...
Since when do you think?
I think.... sometimes.
When do you think anything interesting?
Okay, I admit, that's rare.
We all know it is.
Yeah, all the little people here inside your brain!
There are people in my brain?
Yeah there are people in your brain! I would know- I'm one of them!
Aren't you, like, my consicous or something?
No, I'm the one who tells you to procrastinate.
So what should I do now.
You should procrastinate.

(Actual conversation I have when I am about to start homework.)

Yes. It's true. I have a bit of a tendancy towards procrastination. I know there are many ways to fix it, but eh. The homework always gets done eventually. So no problems there. However, I think that it should be said that there are many ways to procrastinate, such as:

Checking email (which I do all too frequently even though no one emails me)
Blogging (which next to nobody reads)
Checking Facebook (except nothing on Facebook is ever new on my wall)
Playing the same song over and over on piano (just because I can)
And procrastinating my procrastination.

I seriously have a problem keeping my head when I want to do homework because I know it will be boring. Which never turns out to be true; it is just work. I don't really have an aversion to it other than the fact that I'm really lazy.

Do you procrastinate?

I don't really like school, because it takes up a lot of time and I always have a headache by the end of the day. So it may surprise you that, when faced with the oppurtunity to do no work (ie today I don't have school), I plan on doing school work. Because, no matter how hard I try, that pesky work stuff always follows me home, like the stray cat that lives at the end of our block (well, he's not stray- he does have an owner- but his owner always lets him out).
Our teacher is making us construct a memory book of all the writing pieces we did this year and I have to re-format all my essays. Which is mean.


On my arms there are currently faint outlines of two things I wrote on my arm in support of link with pink. On one it says Link With Pink (I just checked- that one washed off....) which is our school's walk for Breast Cancer. And the other says "Team VBeare" because I was walking for a women named Vickie Beare who died of breast cancer when I was in fourth grade. It was a long walk and both the Lexinator and I wanted to just go home (both of our mothers are currently hospitalized) and the sun gave me a headache. :(.

Hope you're all well! Check out my awesome new poll!


Wednesday 18 May 2011

Any Requests?

Anything you want to see come out of this blog? No? Yes? YES? Tell me! I want to know! I don't mind harsh criticism!



Saturday 7 May 2011

Don't Go Hating On Me!

I am sick, so forgive me. I have a bug! A bug, a bug, a bug, a bug! Not the kind that makes you toss cookies, but the kind that makes you worry because you have a singing audition in less that a week, and you have to, you know, sing. But I can barely even yawn without feeling pain. So, please, give me a break. I had to play at a festival yesterday, and I could barely talk, and as you might've guessed that didn't really help my throat.

So this is all you're going to get. I promise- I will post again this week and it will be interesting. I promise!

Sunday 24 April 2011


It's hard to let go of things.
It's no secret.
Well, it's hard for me to let go of things.

Today is Easter, for those of you who are Christians/Whatevers, otherwise it's just another Sunday. And that's fine, because this is not about the holiday.
We sat around the table, exhausting subject after subject. I try, I promise you I try, to make conversation. I don't know how to, but I try to. But all I can do is stare at the tulips on the table. One of them seems perfect. I photograph them. I want to put them in my room and keep them for myself because I feel I'm the only one who can appreciate them. I'm not. I think I deserve the beauty. I don't. I know I should be happy with what I have.
I'm not.
I know I'm lucky, I know others are worse off than I am. I know life could be worse.
And it's not.
But I don't want the flowers to die. I don't want my mom to throw them away. I don't want them to go to waste.
I don't want them here.
If they'd gone to a family who didn't care about the beauty, they would've been better off. They'd be there, they would be seen, they would be thrown away. And I wish that had happened.
But no. Then I wouldn't have gotten to appreciate them.
They won't last forever. Nothing will. But some things aren't going to change anytime soon, and I have no problem with that.
And I could live my whole life in one day and do everything I wanted. And I'd be happy with what I did. Because I don't have anyone relying on me, and I'm not leaving anything behind.
But everything's unfinished. I guess my life is sort of unfinished. And I don't want to leave it that way.
If you want to see my photos, I'll put them up here. Just let me know.

Forever And Always Won't Always Last
In Fact, The Time's Going Fast


Friday 22 April 2011

We Go Nautical!

Designer Steve Kuhl created this one-of-a-kind ...Hey!
Okay... see that over there? Yeah, That! ---------->
That's a boat. In a kid's bedroom. SERIOUSLY.
And that's not the best part!

(you don't believe me, do you?)

There's a rope inside to take him to his closet! Man! How awesome is that! That's pretty epic, I think!

(Okay... I admit... this is the cooler part...)



(see slideshow)

In quasi-related news, an old, ill women fell off a stretcher while being evacuated froma cruiseship in Scottland. Yahoo sources say that she had been ill and the captain had decided to transfer her ashore when the stretcher went into the almost- freezing water. The old women, Janet, had to tread water for four minutes! She was hospitalized for three weeks and now remains in England.
HOW do you "ACCIDENTALY" DUMP someone into FREEZING WATER?!?!?!?!



Friday 8 April 2011

Sonnet 60

Hello Hello Hello!
Without further ado, my response to an amzing sonnet by an amazing author that no one at my school apreciates:


Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,
So do our minutes hasten to their end;
Each changing place with that which goes before,
In sequent toil all forwards do contend.
Nativity, once in the main of light,
Crawls to maturity, wherewith being crown'd,
Crooked elipses 'gainst his glory fight,
And Time that gave doth now his gift confound.
Time doth transfix the flourish set on youth
And delves the parallels in beauty's brow,
Feeds on the rarities of nature's truth,

And nothing stands but for his scythe to mow:
   And yet to times in hope my verse shall stand,
   Praising thy worth, despite his cruel hand.

So! Let us jump right in!
The first set of rhymes!
What it basically said to me was the following: waves constantly roll to shore, and our minutes quickly and constantly run out. Each wave takes the place of the one before it, and each minute replaces the one it follows. And, in sequence, hard work comes next.
And... moving on!
Christ's birth was once the new thing at it's "birth." But now it's maturity is growing as it grows older. When he said "main light" he meant the sun, and he meant guintessentially (in my eye) that time would be measured from that point. And then the "crooked elipse" (I am assuming ellipse was eclipse) was that over the years a shadow had fallen over the light.
Second to last grouping!
Time fixates on youth, and flourishes for them. Meaning when you're young, you see time ahead of you. And it jumps into the beauty of similarities, but still marvels at our differences. Then nothing is left but for his blade to cut those whose time has run out.
And the last two lines?
Shakespear hopes that his sonnet will make it through the time. He hopes people will still be praising them for what they're worth even after the heavy hand of time breaks them away.

I hope you all agree- I just thought I'd share with you one of my favorite poems.
I love this so much because I see the affects of time everyday of my life.
Agree? Disagree?

(This weekend I'll post my latest dream and dissection Sunday, if any of you want to read it)
(Who am I kidding, no one's reading this! No one cares about my life!)
(Well... I do!)

Friday 1 April 2011

No Need For A Storybook

My hair is blue. I am being totally serious! I mean it! I died my hair blue! My entire head, it's electric blue! When it was wet,  it looked green. Man, I was freaking out! I was so scared that I had actually died my hair green, and it was not a pretty shade! I'm happy with hoe it turned out. I am now I am worried about what people at school will think.
What? You don't believe me?

Friday 25 March 2011

Random and Hopefully Entertaining

Hey ya'll, how are you?
An update before we jump in-- this is strictly optional to read-- but I thought you should know I'm not in Illinois. I'm in (you guessed it) Utah! I'm so excited to ski! Yay!
And let's go; ____ parts today!

Part 1: I Could Do This Forever

I take piano lessons with a guy named Derek, and yesterday I had a 90-minute lesson with him. We recorded a totally awesome cover of a song called "Brick By Boring Brick" by Paramore. It's not finished yet and I know you don't want to hear me drone on and on and on about the song and the meaning and since the recording isn't even done yet I'm going to rant about how awesome the experience was.
It took us a few minutes to decide on a song to record. He'd wanted to record an original song, but that wasn't exactly an option (because I'd been ignoring it), and "King Of Anything" by Sara Barellis (the reason I didn't focus on my original song) isn't ready yet. I suggested B(4), played it for him, and he went for it.

Friday 18 March 2011

I Never Titled This... So.... Hi

Hi hi hi hi hi!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Part 1: Band Concert!

Band concerts... well, they're usually long, boring, music-filled (you could've guessed that one), and full of surprises.
This one was no exception.
So starts off with me having to lug the Yeti from my car into the school. (For those of you who don't know, I play contra alto clarinet. Which is VEERRYY heavy!) So we set up to warm up, and I can't see my music because it's in my lap and I can't look down because then I can't play. And all I could think while we were warming up was the following: should I have washed the snake off my arm? I admit that I spent one entire class period, and then another, drawing a snake on my arm. And I'm probably going to spend another hour on it tonight. But for a formal concert? And then I saw that Lexi had a shamrock on her hand, so I calmed down substantially. Yeah.
So then we got to go sit down in the audience and watch the other bands perform. Which was fun after I stopped holding Yeti. My sister performed, and I could actually hear her because the other base clarinetist's intsrument broke during the concert. OH MY COOKIES! IT BROKE! But then Mel got a solo, so I was alright with it.
Sorry Drake!
Whilst a quartet of french horns were playing, I went up on stage and played three songs.
First song- The Tempest by Robert W. Smith
You probably don't care who he is. But he wrote the piece "Linus and Lucy"! So we're playing, and suddenly...

Friday 11 March 2011

Endings and Beginnings

Let's Jump Right In!

Part 1:  An Ending!

As many of you know, I am in a one-act. But tonight is our (second and) last performance. I'm at that point before you go and perform where you're REALLY nervous. Yeah. I'm really upset about the play ending. But it's all good! I LOVE my cast, they were amazing, and I am really glad that I was in this play.
So thanks to everyone in my cast for being so awesome!

Part 2: A Beginning #1

This beginning is one inspired by the YouTuber Nerimon. He made his own deck of cards because he loves card decks and ect. So I bought my own plain deck of playing cards and plan to ask my friends to draw me a card! I plan to ask my cast to draw them after the show tonight. So if any of you see me, casually bring it up and if I have one on me you can maybe draw me one!

Part 3: Screnzy

*Skip this if I've explained it to you already*

So there's this thing called NaNoWriMo. But that's in November. But then there's this whole thing called Screnzy (Script Frenzy) and I am planning to participate. I am not going to say what script (and side project) I am writing. Ya.

This is just news. Not fun stuff. Sorry.




Sunday 6 March 2011

A Blog Post About, um, Blogging

Hey guys!

This blog post is going to be very odd. You'll see! I know you just heard from me (see Part 1), but no one cares if you don't like this. You have no control of what I do!

Part 1: Here's My Reasoning

Ima Post More!
I know right now Lexi, Cami, and Missy are all thinking "Uh! I have to talk to Rex on a (usually) regular basis, and I have to read her blog! Now she's gonna post more?" Man you guys are mean!
Hee Hee.
Here's my reasoning I wrote 72 posts last year. About 6 of them are drafts I have or have not edited in. 1-2 are never going to be posted because it's just me typing Hank/John Green quotes, ect. that I typed just so I could learn some @HTML codes.
Yes. I am that obsessed.
Then there are like three posts that I really should just delete because they're the beginnings of parts.
I hope to write 60 Blog posts this year. And to do that I must post five times a month. So you will be seeing a random post pop up every once in a while. I have to make up for the last two months so you will see TWO extra ones pop up between now and the end of the year. I hope this is alright, it isn't too much more, you know! So There!

Part 2: Why I love Blogging

If I could, I'd have one of those "I <3__________ (<-- inert name here)" shirt that says "I <3 Blogging."
I love it because...
-I can write a lot without worrying about people telling me to shut up. It happens too often... no one cares about me... JUST KIDDING!
-I can make all the jokes I want, even though they aren't funny. Like, ever. But I still enjoy making jokes like it. And apparently people like them. (I know some people laugh at my jokes because I had the privilege of watching Mina the Great read my blog and she laughed. Possibly because I spelled, like, six words wrong. And then said Spelling? Ah, who cares!
-You can't tell when I change locations. Like now! I am now blogging in my parent's room because the YouTube broke. No, actually my computer gets angry when I watch YouTube for too long. It says I need to "Get up, and Get Active!" But I showed him!
-You can't post comments hating on me! Cuz I have to approve the comments! You just got Edgar Allen PWNED!

Part 3: Homework...

Is what I should be doing right now. Because I have school tomorrow. And that's sort of a problem... because I have to read about 1/2 of Twelfth Night because I was sick all week long. :(. So, if you don't mind, Ima go!



Friday 4 March 2011

1 Part, But Trust Me, It's Worth It! (Maybe)

It's cold. I was cold. It was raining. That changed my plans for tonight DRAMATICALLY. You'll see.
Parts: 1
Time: Minimal.
Lets: Start!
Now?: Yes!
But wh- NO!!!!! NOOOOOOOW!

Monday 28 February 2011


So I am currently not at home, technically. I am in one of my other favorite places in the world: UTAH! A specially message to Mac: HAPPY SOME-YEAR-OLD BIRTHDAY!

Part 1: What Would Happen If...
What would happen if...
I were a published author?
Would ya'll still read this? Would more people read it? If I were a published author, would ya actually want to read this because most of it would be about the book (which by the way would be set in England because every country in the UK is awesome)? I am just very curious. I hope to get a small following, just because I think it'd be cool if I were to meet someone and they asked "So, you have a lot of friends?" I could say "Yeah, about a fifty-six. You?"

Friday 18 February 2011

F and A

(I'm sure people other than me say that sometimes... maybe.... possibly)

Here's an update on what's a goin on! I have told you that I got a part in the one, acts, but did I tell you I play Amythest Lydia Santiago? That's not my name, I'm actually "Artsy-Looking Student." See what I did there? Anyway, I thought it would help to know this for the first part.

PART 1: Artsy-Artsy

I've been trying to get into character as an arsty kid, so I've been drawing every day, playing piano, and singing. And I have also started teaching myself how to play guitar, causing the pads of my fingers hurt so bad. It's amazing.

Friday 11 February 2011

I'm Sick. I Am Very Sick.

Hey ya'll! How are you (That was not a rhetorical question. Do tell.) So...
This is going to be full of questions that I'd love to hear answers to, if ya'll don't mind... YAY THANX.
ENOUGH! I'll let you read the humorous (well, okay, it's never really funny. but just go with it. Plz?)

Part 1: Nicknames

So today I went to Blockbuster. I'll be partially alone tonight so I need something to do.  Contrary to what a lot of peeps may believe, I do not just sit around reading all day. I wish I could be, but no. I cannot. Anyway, so there I am, strolling down the little kid's aisle at Blockbuster when a I see that a mom clearly wants her two boys to go down this aisle. So, having already grabbed the Barbie movie I am dying to see (yes I still watch Barbie movie, and yes I am watching it right now. get over it...)
"Come down this aisle, Con-Man."

Friday 4 February 2011

I Lost The Game (Sorry Lexi)

When all of your playthings (DA DUHN DUHN DA!) Someday disappear (DA DUHN DUHN DA!) Girl will you be happy (DA DUHN DUHN DA?) With nothing but tears? With nothing but tears!
(Gosh I love the Monkees! They're like the puppy-sized elephants of American oldies bands!)
So let's just cut to the parts! (Have you noticed that I like dividing stuff into parts? I HAVE)


Us here in Illinois are wimpy and, when we have a blizzard, we require days afterward to clean it. Unfortunately, we did not get three snowdays. However, we did get two! It was beautiful, that middle-of-the-week weekend. Though, we are not as wimpy as the Brits in London who got two inches of snow and freaked out. We got 20 inches; I think we deserve to be allowed to freak out. school was closed for two days cause our uber-suburban town cannot efficiently clear our streets. They got to our street at ten AM, then promptly cleared our alley at 11 AT NIGHT. After a series of clever remarks from my father.
"Why didn't you do our alley?"

Friday 28 January 2011

Sad, Sad, Sad, Sad, Sad (and a bit of good news)

i'm not going to capitulize today. it's not in me. not with my thoughts lately. i'm not depressed, per se, but i have realized a few things that sort of depress me. so yeah.
good news or upsetting stuff first? how bout we do the happiness at the end as a sort of pick-me-up...

part 1: everything ends

more than anything. we want something more than anything. that something may be love, popularity, a sense of belonging, a home, or anything. we focus so hard on getting that one thing we don't see the people around us falling as we climb. why don't we look down? why don't we help them up? why don't we do something? anything! why don't we care about what's going on around us?  it's hard to let yourself drift away from that one goal, but you have to do it.
my teacher won an award. i was happy. but the article began "after 40 years teaching..." what will her last words be? will i know? will i be the one to hear them? what will my last words be? what's the last thing i want to say? who will be there to hear it? will anyone hear what I say, or am I alone?

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Good morning Friends, It's Wednesday

And not Friday. I have plans on Friday, so yeah. I'm posting today.
Part 1: Hee Hee it's Funny
Dear Blogger,

Now you may have notice that I have linked to my own blog above. This is because somewhere on my website (not saying where) there is a link that leads to nowhere. And since I noticed it, I have not fixed it. I am going to turn my writer brain on to explain something:
This link circles back here the way our lives circle back to things that really matter. We try to conform to media standards. And they just end up taking us back to where things really matter. Follow those links and follow the media, but beware that you'll end up coming FULL CIRCLE. To what ACTUALLY MATTERS and is actually GOOD, INTERESTING, and where NO ONE STALKS ANYONE.

(the above is only funny if you find the link. Even then it's not funny, but it's moderately more interesting.)

Friday 14 January 2011

4 + Tiredness = only 2 parts

This blog comes to you in 4 parts (If I can think of that many things to talk about!)

Part 1: Storywriting

If you look in the Sidebar of Awesome, you may notice that there's a new box. I am writing a novel. Yes. But you have to understand that I am going through that process 5 to 7 times. You're all going HUH? No I am not writing 5 novels, but I am, however, writing one, but in 5 to 7 parts depending on how long each of them is. (it's currently 6, 526 words!!!) So I am currently in Step #9 EDIT! I am doing it kinda outa order though, so... sorry!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

I'm Just Curious....

...of how you see me, curious of what went through your head (figure out the song, and I'll give you candy. Not really.)

I just accomplished something rather amazing. I mean, like REALLY amazing. And before I tell you what it was, Ima build some suspense. SSSUUUSSSPPPEEESSSEEE....
If you don't know me... oh, actually, you all know me.
If you don't know what one of the most epic things I got for Christmas is. If you guessed my piano, you're right. But the slightly less epic thing I got is....
DRUM ROLL brrrrrummmmmmmmmm............

Friday 7 January 2011

Dead (Serious, I Mean)

It's annoying, honestly. Not being able to finish stuff. I mean, no matter how good the idea I have for a short story (Or a story in general), I can NEVER FINISH THEM. And I want to get my ideas out but I CANNOT. So tomorrow will be two things: Listen to the Beatles all day long day and Write as much as possible day. I hope whoever sees this will join me... but who knows...
I like the idea of having my work published. It's a dream of mine. I want someone to turn to my book or story to escape. I want people to be able to read my work.
But first it must be finished.
That's a challenge...

Yeah. Hey. So I am tired and if I'm going to write anything GOOD tomorrow (which maybe one day you will see), I need to sleep.

I wrote twice last week. Get over it.


(Sorry About the short Post and the rudity of my sign off. SORRY! I was very tired.)

Sunday 2 January 2011


So I know it's not Friday.
Get over it.
(wow you're charming this morning Rex!) (I'm grumpy and you'll see
Here's what I think happened at the AMERICAN AIRLINES office.
"Hey Bob, I'm bored. What can we do to spice things up around here?"
"I don't know, Joe. How about canceling the AA flight for 6pm tonight?"
"You mean the one from UTAH to ******* that the lovely O***** FAMILY
IS TAKING?" Winks at camera.