"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Sorry Sorry Sorry!

So I just found out that if you search "what genre is HeyHiHello and what instruments" in Google, my blog is the number one result. Whoops. Sorry, person who found this blog searching for information. I'm sorry.

In other news, I leave for Utah tomorrow. That should be cool. I hope.

I also hope to write a post soon about John Green's new book, coming out it May 2012 called the Fault in Our Stars. I, along with quite a few other lucky individuals, watched (at least) part of the live webshow John pulled in which he read from his new book. It was amazing and you will love it. I swear.

Monday 27 June 2011

Adventures In A Small Town?

I have work to be doing, instrument to be practicing, and a movie to be watching.

Too bad. I'm blogging.

Today my friend's little sister decided she wanted a cupcake. And that my friend and I were going to go and get her one. So my friend and I got on our bikes (well, I got on hers and she got on her sister's) and we rode to downtown _______ (insert town name here). Of course, the only place in ____________ to get cupcakes was closed.


So we decided, as we had to get something for riding the ten minutes, so we went to Starbucks. Where we bought a mini donut for only 92 cents. Plus the 8 cents my friend is charging her sister for forcing us to ride down to Downtown.

Yeah. Fun.

Lexi's Topic:

Running off Bleachers:

'Nuff said.

Lizzie, tell me if I need to change the video to one you're not in.

Saturday 18 June 2011

In the Bathroom. Yes. Not Even MINE.

Okay, I've made a lot of excuses for not posting in the past. I was tired... I wasn't at home...
But this one? It takes the cake. Seriously.
To start off, let me explain first what I was doing prior to the Big Emergency. I was making a music video to My Hero (originally recorded by Foo Fighters, covered by Paramore for the Sounds of Superman album) that I covered (in the style of Paramore) using videos from one of Mishie's school asignments. She won't let me put it online because it would embarass her or something like that. So you cannot see it. My best work and Mel is sensoring my art. Anyway... I went into her bathroom to show it her  (she loved it, by the way).
The next day, I go looking for my computer, right?
It's no where to be found.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

7 Minutes Starting NOW!

No time for introductions! Gotta go go go!

Apple Juice- It looks like tea and people drink it. However, I also drink my applesauce. Don't ask why. I know, I'm weird. Get over it. Anyways. I sometimes (okay, a lot of times) use the two interchangeably (ie "What do you want to drink?" "APPLE SAUCE!"). I did this today during a meeting for K4K. Which was very confusing for my fellow counselors.

K-Ounselors- Kamp 4 Kids Counselors

C-Ounselors- Kamp 4 Kids CITs

Just so you know.

I have Sax. So I have to go. That was fun.

Monday 13 June 2011


Just thought I'd give you an idea of what you'll be getting this summer:

-Post about how to start and run a camp
-Post about being in a band
-My guide to an instrument

I really hope to share during the summer how to do some of the things I like to do, like playing an instrument or taking pictures. Hopefully I can introduce you to some new aspects of familiar subjects!

This summer, my friend Lexi has also given me a list of topics she'd like me to blog about. In every post I will try to feature one of those subjects. This Friday will be the end of school.

You may notice that I will not be posting from Utah, because (as of right now) we are not going to Utah.

Forever and Always

Friday 3 June 2011

Lexi Posts

hey this is the lexinator! rex asked me to post for her, so i hope thats okay!!! anyways, like rex, im going to put this in parts!

Part One
Symphonic Band
So at our school there's Concert Band and Symphonic band. Concert Band is like the leftovers of people that didnt make Symphonic. Anyways, I tried out and didn't make it. :( Oh, I play the flute by the way. I have the best ambouchure (sound quality) in the flute section, but I can't play notes very quickly without a lot of practice. I'm also AWFUL at counting. Unfortunately, the girl that I absolutely, positively, CAN'T STAND made it!!! Nooooooooouuuuuuuu!!! Oh well, I'm learning how to play the piccolo this summer so I'll live.

Part Two
Scooby Doo!
Scooby Doo is awesome, no doubt, question, or irking suspicion. However, that was before they totally messed it up. Daphne is now smart! Oh, and Velma? She's ASIAN, don't get me wrong, Asian people are totally awesome (I mean, can you say ninja?). But, I mean, ASIAN! And she's really really pretty! She's NOT EVEN VELAM-LIKE! I was trying to make myself believe that it wasn't so bad by watching an episode, but Velma and Shaggy were like...umm... *akward silence*....er.... in the...er....bushes....And I'm sorry, but Shaggy's supposed to be akward! Plus, then Scooby's all alone! I gotta go, but check Rex's last post to see awesome pictures that she drew!

Luvs and hugs,