"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

Tuesday 24 August 2010

It's Tuesday And I'M SORRY!

It's not Friday and I couldn't log in on Friday.
My computer was acting up and wouldn't let me sign in. :(
Nerdfighters-I am officially a nerdfighter! We fight suck and are fueled by awesome! Look up one of my FAVORITE authors, John Green, and his brother, the amazing musician, Hank Green, on YouTube under VlogBrothers, or Brotherhood 2.0. It takes a while to understand the inside jokes, but if you just keep watching, you'll figure it out! I also recommend the ever-popular John Green books An Abundance of Katherines and Paper Towns. Oh, and Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I'd recommend Looking For Alaska but I have to wait until I'm fourteen to read it because it's graphic.
Friday was Back To School Day. I put all of my stuff in one locker then realized my locker was somewhere else. Fun.
Gotta go.
Sorry for short post.
(Look it up)

Sunday 15 August 2010

I'm Watching Den Brother Because Nothing Else Is On

Hahahaha It's not Friday!
But Whatever.

Okay, it's true. I confess. I'm watching the new movie, Dan Mother, on Disney channel. I know, I am a girl, but I'm just a bit too old to get into this kind of thing. Yet, this movie is not too bad if you're a Girl Scout (Which I am). Go ahead. Laugh at me for being the only girl in my "troop."
But, anyway, Tomorrow will be a very musical day! I have a voice lesson AND a piano lesson because my piano teacher rescheduled my lesson. I've now decided that as soon as I can play piano pretty well, I want to learn guitar. But you probably don't care about that.
SHORT POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 14 August 2010

It's Not Friday

Check It! It's Not Friday And I'm Writ ting!
Crazy- If you can't tell, I'm hyper and hysterical because I fell asleep at about 5:00 AM last "night". And woke up at nine. My Dad attempted to wake up up at 10:00, not knowing I was awake as I was still lying in bed for no particular reason, by blasting music over our intercom. "Animal" by Neon Trees came on. Good Song!!!!
Yard Saleing- Usually, every few Saturdays I go what I call Yard Saleing, meaning I grab ten bucks and ride my bike to the yard sales around town. Fun, fun, fun, fun! I sometimes bring my sis, but she isn't as good at finding deals as I am. And she isn't as awesome at figuring out where everything is as I am. So... yeah.
Vinyl- Yep, we've found our record player, and a box full of my Dad's old vinyls! Aren't you happy for us! We're not as happy as you seem to be because, low and behold, the record player is, of course, broken! And, even though he looked at it for half-an-hour, my Dad wasn't able to fix it.
Mural- I'm making a mural for my room on a silver board we used for an Easter Seals event I helped plan. It was fun, and everyone was thankful for us helping out. But the mural should look awesome when I'm done. I plan to put photos on it and "F and A" On it in blue foam. And I have a few random objects I've found that I'll hot glue on.
As always,
Forever and Always,
(Shout out to Mac, for being the only reader)

Friday 13 August 2010


I haven't posted in so long! I am now making a promise:
I, Rex, Writer of This Blog, Will From This Friday, (Today, Friday the 13th of August ((See Below))), Will Attempt To Write Every Friday!

Okay, coupla things to say here...
1) Friday the Thirteenth- It really hasn't been that unlucky (Knock on wood), save a small (umpocco)(spellcheck?) storm. It's over now, though. I hadn't realized until halfway through the day that today was the unlucky Friday the Thirteenth. I love Fri13. It's a fave day of mine, as it is constantly moving!
2) Movies- Went to see Charlie St. Cloud on Monday. Was surprisingly good as it had Zac Effron in it. No offense to him, but Hairspray ruined him for me. The little kid in it? Sam? (Or, rather, the kid who plays Sam) Genius! I really want to see that movie that came out today, Will Something vs. Something. Not the real title, I know, But I don't remember it.
3) Readers- Yep. It's true. No one reads this blog. I've realized that. But, hey! It's fun to write to imaginary people! It's awesome to spend half an hour on something no one but you will ever read!
4) Vinyl- Tomorrow my Dad is going to help me dig out his old record player!!!! Paramore (My new FAVORITE Band) sells vinyl, so that is on my list of things to get, but I'm slightly more excited to go to a record store I found near me. Did you know that they (might) sell records at Borders? Neither did I!
5) The Big U- Utah was great! The drive down (Up? Sideways? West?) was fun, I listened to Boys Like Girls, the new album Love Drunk, repeatedly... Good times, good times (Laughs at memories). We were kidnapped off a train. Went horseback riding then got back on train. Fun times.
6) Sorry it took me so long to post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7)Love ya'll!

Forever and Always