"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

Friday 26 February 2010

Two More Down, One to Go

I mistyped in my last post, I got four books. I just finished the third of those books. It's called "To Catch A Prince" and I honestly think they should have edited better. The back of the book says they were vacationing in Paris, but they were in LONDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh.... yeah.
(I'm really worked up about this.)
(sorry, guess you knew that..)

Thursday 25 February 2010

I Read TOO Fast

I'm depressed.
Wanna know why? No?
Well, too bad. I'm telling you. Today I went to the book fair. I bought five books. Yes, five. I have already finished one. It was 278 pages. Thus the title "I read too fast." So, I need book suggestions. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 24 February 2010


I want to be average!
But my ELA teacher said "Your not average." Just because I'm in ELA and Advanced Math doesn't mean I'm average. Just because I am cursed with a curse that means only hurting the left side of my body doesn't mean I'm special. And just because I get bullied more than others doesn't mean I'm not average. I'm still just a girl with hopes and dreams, when you get down to it. And whoever thinks differantly can go for a swim, (Well, they HAVE to go. I'll push them ;) )
Oh, and I just got a voice recorder to record my dreams in the morning so ya'll can hear the interesting ones.

Tour After Tour After Tour....

Hey, peoples!
Today, during our school bookfair, I am giving tours! My sister came home all grumpy-like, so I am moderately concerned that I will be that way too. It seems like it will be fun and our social worker thinks I'll do great, so... who knows.
If it is torture, I think the worst part will be knowing that I volunteered to do this. I brought the torture upon myself, including a possible tour with Mac (Who also has a blog.... look in the link for the blog name... I'll post it once I find it!)

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Is that Normal?

Hey ya'll!
I just booked another babysitting job! It ends at 11:00 pm, which is when I usually fall asleep. The last time I babysat for these two kids, one of them fell asleep on the couch without underwear on and the only way she'd let me carry her up the stairs was if I let her wrap her legs around me. I had to get her into her bed, so I carried her like a koala. Did I mention she wasn't wearing underwear?
Is that normal?
Hey, people I don't know! (Or maybe do know...)
Lately I've realized what a joke people in my school think my life is. And I've decided that I might need a second opinion. So here you go, people out there! Help guide me towards the right decisions as I tell you my day and how I handled it. Trust me, it's not normal.
Need proof? Yeah, I thought so. One day in ELA (Enriched Language Arts) a boy in my class, Jack, asked me if I wanted glitter in my hair. I said yes so he put glitter in it. The kids I was babysitting that night got a kick out of that.
STILL need proof? Well, I get migraines, don't sleep well, have a math teacher who scares Snape, not to mention that all the boys in my grade have decided that it's their jobs to make every Friday that I go into town for miserable.
So here we go. My truely pathetic life written here for all to see. Go ahead, laugh at the stories, I would. But keep in mind that this is my life. And I'm just trying to enjoy it.
Forever And Always,
*All names have not been changed. If you recognize these events under your name and you don't like it ask me to change your name. I will happily oblidge, (is that spelled right?).