"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

Friday 25 March 2011

Random and Hopefully Entertaining

Hey ya'll, how are you?
An update before we jump in-- this is strictly optional to read-- but I thought you should know I'm not in Illinois. I'm in (you guessed it) Utah! I'm so excited to ski! Yay!
And let's go; ____ parts today!

Part 1: I Could Do This Forever

I take piano lessons with a guy named Derek, and yesterday I had a 90-minute lesson with him. We recorded a totally awesome cover of a song called "Brick By Boring Brick" by Paramore. It's not finished yet and I know you don't want to hear me drone on and on and on about the song and the meaning and since the recording isn't even done yet I'm going to rant about how awesome the experience was.
It took us a few minutes to decide on a song to record. He'd wanted to record an original song, but that wasn't exactly an option (because I'd been ignoring it), and "King Of Anything" by Sara Barellis (the reason I didn't focus on my original song) isn't ready yet. I suggested B(4), played it for him, and he went for it.

Friday 18 March 2011

I Never Titled This... So.... Hi

Hi hi hi hi hi!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Part 1: Band Concert!

Band concerts... well, they're usually long, boring, music-filled (you could've guessed that one), and full of surprises.
This one was no exception.
So starts off with me having to lug the Yeti from my car into the school. (For those of you who don't know, I play contra alto clarinet. Which is VEERRYY heavy!) So we set up to warm up, and I can't see my music because it's in my lap and I can't look down because then I can't play. And all I could think while we were warming up was the following: should I have washed the snake off my arm? I admit that I spent one entire class period, and then another, drawing a snake on my arm. And I'm probably going to spend another hour on it tonight. But for a formal concert? And then I saw that Lexi had a shamrock on her hand, so I calmed down substantially. Yeah.
So then we got to go sit down in the audience and watch the other bands perform. Which was fun after I stopped holding Yeti. My sister performed, and I could actually hear her because the other base clarinetist's intsrument broke during the concert. OH MY COOKIES! IT BROKE! But then Mel got a solo, so I was alright with it.
Sorry Drake!
Whilst a quartet of french horns were playing, I went up on stage and played three songs.
First song- The Tempest by Robert W. Smith
You probably don't care who he is. But he wrote the piece "Linus and Lucy"! So we're playing, and suddenly...

Friday 11 March 2011

Endings and Beginnings

Let's Jump Right In!

Part 1:  An Ending!

As many of you know, I am in a one-act. But tonight is our (second and) last performance. I'm at that point before you go and perform where you're REALLY nervous. Yeah. I'm really upset about the play ending. But it's all good! I LOVE my cast, they were amazing, and I am really glad that I was in this play.
So thanks to everyone in my cast for being so awesome!

Part 2: A Beginning #1

This beginning is one inspired by the YouTuber Nerimon. He made his own deck of cards because he loves card decks and ect. So I bought my own plain deck of playing cards and plan to ask my friends to draw me a card! I plan to ask my cast to draw them after the show tonight. So if any of you see me, casually bring it up and if I have one on me you can maybe draw me one!

Part 3: Screnzy

*Skip this if I've explained it to you already*

So there's this thing called NaNoWriMo. But that's in November. But then there's this whole thing called Screnzy (Script Frenzy) and I am planning to participate. I am not going to say what script (and side project) I am writing. Ya.

This is just news. Not fun stuff. Sorry.




Sunday 6 March 2011

A Blog Post About, um, Blogging

Hey guys!

This blog post is going to be very odd. You'll see! I know you just heard from me (see Part 1), but no one cares if you don't like this. You have no control of what I do!

Part 1: Here's My Reasoning

Ima Post More!
I know right now Lexi, Cami, and Missy are all thinking "Uh! I have to talk to Rex on a (usually) regular basis, and I have to read her blog! Now she's gonna post more?" Man you guys are mean!
Hee Hee.
Here's my reasoning I wrote 72 posts last year. About 6 of them are drafts I have or have not edited in. 1-2 are never going to be posted because it's just me typing Hank/John Green quotes, ect. that I typed just so I could learn some @HTML codes.
Yes. I am that obsessed.
Then there are like three posts that I really should just delete because they're the beginnings of parts.
I hope to write 60 Blog posts this year. And to do that I must post five times a month. So you will be seeing a random post pop up every once in a while. I have to make up for the last two months so you will see TWO extra ones pop up between now and the end of the year. I hope this is alright, it isn't too much more, you know! So There!

Part 2: Why I love Blogging

If I could, I'd have one of those "I <3__________ (<-- inert name here)" shirt that says "I <3 Blogging."
I love it because...
-I can write a lot without worrying about people telling me to shut up. It happens too often... no one cares about me... JUST KIDDING!
-I can make all the jokes I want, even though they aren't funny. Like, ever. But I still enjoy making jokes like it. And apparently people like them. (I know some people laugh at my jokes because I had the privilege of watching Mina the Great read my blog and she laughed. Possibly because I spelled, like, six words wrong. And then said Spelling? Ah, who cares!
-You can't tell when I change locations. Like now! I am now blogging in my parent's room because the YouTube broke. No, actually my computer gets angry when I watch YouTube for too long. It says I need to "Get up, and Get Active!" But I showed him!
-You can't post comments hating on me! Cuz I have to approve the comments! You just got Edgar Allen PWNED!

Part 3: Homework...

Is what I should be doing right now. Because I have school tomorrow. And that's sort of a problem... because I have to read about 1/2 of Twelfth Night because I was sick all week long. :(. So, if you don't mind, Ima go!



Friday 4 March 2011

1 Part, But Trust Me, It's Worth It! (Maybe)

It's cold. I was cold. It was raining. That changed my plans for tonight DRAMATICALLY. You'll see.
Parts: 1
Time: Minimal.
Lets: Start!
Now?: Yes!
But wh- NO!!!!! NOOOOOOOW!