"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

Friday 31 December 2010

Happy New Year!

I'm a trendsetter. Not in fashion, not in music (no matter how hard I
try). But in ski lift behaviour.
When on a ski lift, we bark at the people below because, as everyone
knows, confusion is funny when you are the one causing it. One time,
without meaning to, we made a little kid fall down. Oops. But hey, it
was still highly amusing!
Since I am supposed to finish this book (The Beatles: The Music Was
Never the Same A Biography of the Beatles) for school, I really should
be going. But here are two fun tidbits:
5 Things Acomplished in 2010
1. Established blog
2. Wrote 10 polished songs
3. Retied old ties
4. Got "married"
5. Performed my dream part (Mia Thermopolis)
Michael Moscovitz (SWOON.)

Friday 24 December 2010

I LEFT THE PARTS THING BLANK AGAIN! (oh and happy holidays...)

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Happy Holidays!
 Let's do some parts, shall we? How about _ parts (In my last post, I forgot to go back and put in the amount of parts. Let us see if it happens again...

I'm not sure what we're calling it, but my sister and I are beginning a new project where we both have blogs to review stuff on and sometimes we review the same thing. It's a work in progress. The first person to comment on my blog wins a prize (I'm not saying whether or not it actually exists, just that it's a prize). Want a hint? Here: bookwormincombatboots.blogspot.com = the Dreaded Sister's blog. Another new project is a story based on a dream I had. So unfortunately if you like reading about my dreams (I doubt any of you do, but this way I have them documented) cannot hear about this one quite yet. Here's a little back story: it's in England, it's all a letter, and there is killing involved. Sound like a good read? If I ever want to actually complete the writing of this story, I will need people motivating me. I would like for you to be those people.
Just a thought.

Saturday 18 December 2010


This is Robin coming at you with a _ part post.

1- Redundancy

I've been rereading posts from long ago and I noticed the abundant redundancy. Lately I posted a post mentioning Nerdfighteria, but I posted a post about Nerdfighters in May/June/One of those other Months. And in one post I mentioned a guy we called for that post Joe, then in the next post I brought him up again. And have you noticed that almost EVERY SINGLE POST BEGINS WITH HEY. It's actually annoying to read. And I am very redundant in my speeching. I can't even think of a synonym for redundant (other than repeating ones self incessantly but I don;t think that counts because that is the basic definition of redundancy.

Friday 17 December 2010

For Sursies

This post comes in 3 parts:
1- Presents, Presents, Presents!
This year, I made every one's presents. I am writing songs for everyone. Lexi and Becky already received theirs officially, Sherlock and Cami unofficially. I say officially/unofficially because I wrote everyone songs. Including Mac. Someday, I will get it to him.
2- Trombones
I have to write about this. There are no Trombones (that I'm aware of) in Concert Band. I am very distressed by this fact. I think this is very bad and very mean of S to take them all for herself. I mean, she only thinks about her band and how her band sounds. So the people of concert band are the people she didn't want. So Oliverochi (my band director) got all of her left-overs.
3- Webkinz
Migid Brigid LOVES Webkinz. So she bought one today while we were in Town. (We're Townies; Jellicoe Road reference!) (gosh I'm such a nerd....) (AND PROUD OF IT!) ANYWAY she also got my present while we were there (technically mine was free...). I'm excited to get it.

Migid Brigid and Liz-Mister are waiting for me to finish....

so BYE! (Longer Post Later) (Another book reference, except that book was one of the worst ever) (I'm too embarassed to tell the name because the book was that bad)


(PS I expect everyone who reads this post to read Lexi's post. If you don't, you'll get coal in your stocking! Trust me, I know the Big Guy Up North!) (TV reference :: BONES)

Friday 10 December 2010

FIRE! (Or I guess not)

Originally this was going to be about a Vlogbrothers joke, but I decided this was going to be a post where I just start typing and see where it goes.
You might have noticed that I do this a lot.
This post, I've decided, will come in 4 Parts.
Part 1: Show Her the Strength of Your Love
Just a lesson for you boy, (I'd say plural, but Mac is the only boy who reads this), giving a girl a diamond necklace from a store that is selling it for 5X what it's worth shows her the strength of your love. So this Christmas, instead of making her a gift even though that's what she obviously wants (I have decided that I like homemade gifts more then others when they come from friends. Lexi and Cami know this.) she will truly know how much you love her. Because the only thing that will make a girl love you. Okay, I honestly think that guys shouldn't rely so much on Jewelry. Because girls (like me) don't think Jewelry makes a difference in a relationship because people don't need to put thought into jewelry, but thought is required to make a gift. So there! (I'm watching TV. It was a commercial) (also know most wives don't want watches either.)

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Nick C*****, This One's For You

It's not Friday!
Wow, you finally figured out how to tell your days of the week apart from each other!
Are you calling yourself incompetent.
No! I've known how to tell the days of the week apart since I could talk. I just didn't want to share my knowledge.
Just think of how much I would've benefited from you sharing all those things you know.
Oh, like that 80% of the left handed people who die every year die from using products designed for right handed people?
That's not true.
I guess we'll never know.

In case you really are curious, that's not true. This blog contain three parts: Part 1) The Corn. Part 2) The title.. Part 3) Gym Class.

Saturday 4 December 2010


Hey peeps! whats shakin? well, your probably wonndering y this is lexi. well, im reviewing rex's play from like last week. (but im not a creepy hacker or anything, rex asked me 2). so here goes:
I went to the play with cami, and it was AMAZING!!!! unfortunately i couldnt c rex as mia. :(
on to the actual plot
so there was this family, who all love eachother deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppp down, but the older brother and sister are teenagery and moody and the parents are busy with taxes (say it in an english accent, it sounds funny!). so the little kid is sad and stuff and wishes on a shooting star to make everyone nice and disneylike.

Friday 3 December 2010


I am talking to SOMEONE at the moment (you know who you are, Mr. Blogger... opps!) So I'll post tom. Morning if I don't feel like you-know-what from you-know where!

Hey! I'm posting. Hopefully you're not upset with me!

Okay. So... I've started working on Christmas presents today. I've decided to make my own presents (thanks, Mac, for the lovely idea last night.) But I need to take a break.

The play last night went swimmingly. I performed my scene (Amelia Thermopolis from the Princess Diaries) and people laughed at my line (Grandmother: ...Princess of Genovia Me: Shut Up!) It was great! The cast party afterwards rocked. When they announced director wars, where our two most competitive directors go head to head, the girls were hilarious!