"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

Friday 26 November 2010

Do You Hear Yourselves, Teenage Girls?

Yeah, I already updated today, even if my computer thinks it was yesterday. I don't know why it did, but it did. So I'm here to make sure you don't think I posted the day before I said I would. So yeah.
Dream - I had a dream last night-My friends and I were making boats. It seemed to be a class assignment. I was helping people. The waves made me drop my pencil (and my friend's pencil). I kept trying to get them but the pressure of the moving water wouldn't let me. It was annoying as heck trying to get those two pencils. Then someone swam happily in and grabbed them.
Long dream short? I was left behind by my "friends" because I had helped them instead of doing my own work. Can I just mention that I didn't know any of them?

Thursday 25 November 2010

Birdcalls, Knuckle Popping, Yellow Ops... Ah the Complexity of Middleschool Boys

It's 1:33 AM. I can't sleep. So I thought I'd write.
How are you? That's good.
So, my topic today shall be "Annoying Habits of the Boys in my Grade" (or maybe just in general.)
So, fist off, you have the Birdcall. They blow into their hands and make bird calls. It's annoying and quite frankly isn't cool. (Though I have to admit that it's funny when someone gets in position to do it and says "Birdcall! Birdcall!") The killer part is that they do it during class, which is pretty disruptive and really Bleeps the teachers of (<- reference to Paranormalcy).
Then there's this thing where they feel compelled to crack their knuckles excessively and quite loudly. It's downright disturbing. I don't know how to explain it other than using onomatopoeia, (and since I have relatively no dignity, I'll humour you). Crack (Pop)! Crack (Pop!)! Crack POP POP POP! There. Happy?
I know I am! (Sarcasm, people! Use it!)

Saturday 20 November 2010

Dream #2

So we're in Disney World, right? Me and a bunch of people I've never met but apparently we're buddies. So we get on this ride, right? It's a Barney ride so I don't expect much from it. So we get on this couch and go through this ride. Then, the lights come on in one scene. It's a furniture store. From the future.
Then, and I'm not kidding, these big doors open and there in front of us is the most epic tree-thing that we're supposed to climb (other than the one at my church). So what do we do? We climb it!

Friday 19 November 2010

By the way...

Did you know one person in the UK viewed my blog? I didn't either!
Don't forget the three people in Denmark and the four in Canada!


I just got back from seeing the best movie of the year. But before I tell you about this, I have to address a very serious matter. It has come to my attention that the people who name movies are slowing going insane. And the people who think of the plots of movies are also nuts. I know this for a fact because one of the previews for the movie started off with a guy in the middle of a dessert wearing an intricate, and I'm sure very expensive, watch. Then they're westerns. But wait! What could take this already strange cowboy movie to think next level? I think the name of this upcoming blockbuster hit is self-explanatory.
Are you ready?
Cowboys and Aliens.
Yes, you read that right.
Cowboys and Aliens.
I kid you not (excetera man, I used your slogan!)
So, after getting over the deep disturbance I felt upon seeing this preview, I settled in to watch the newest installment of the ongoing (and epic) series, Harry Potter.
All I can say is that this movie was like taking all the awesomeness of the last 6 movies and smashing them all into a really long but still totally amazing movie. I don't want to spoil the movie, so I'll say nothing.
No thing!
okay, this is what I remember I needed to say: It's different to experience a movie in a theater than at home because when you're in a theater with a bunch of people who love the story as much as you do, it makes since to applaud when something happens even though the only people who hear you clapping are the other people in the audience. But it's that experience that changes it. (I added this in after posting, so it's in italics)
So, about our blog family...
I think I have our positions all lined up. Mac- you're the Dad, I'm the Mom, The Cami (she's blonde. she hurt her ankle. she's really funny. you would like her) is our eldest daughter, Lexi is our younger daughter, and if Monkey ever starts reading this, she will be our pet monkey (she chose it!).
Mac, you're the only guy. That makes you the Dad by default.
I'm the Mom because I'd never be creepy like the ones Mac wrote about (SO CREEPY) and because I'm next oldest and because I'm the other blogger.
Cami is a reader- she's older than Lexi
Lexi is a reader- she's younger than Cami
And Monkey? Well, who knows what's going on up there... (kidding, kidding...) (kinda)

So. There you have it. If you disagree with anything, let me know...
Can I tell y'all about my new piano?
I'm getting a digital piano on Monday! Well, technically we already bought it but that's beside the point... it's coming Monday and I'm SOOO excited. I even went to the trouble of holding down shift while writing "sooo" because my caps lock key fell off (so did my N key, which explains why I'm not typing as fast as I can.) Anyway, a digital piano is the same thing as a regular piano, except instead of striking strings, I don't know what it does.
Yep. Love ya!

~Forever and Always~

Saturday 13 November 2010

Am I Forgiven?

Okay, so I guess an apology is in order. I didn't write yesterday. But I think you should forgive me because I already posted this week. But I guess if you don't want to forgive me, that would be fine. :)
So here is the big topic of this week: Lizzie. The other person who reads this (You hear that Mac? We're not alone anymore!) I was brainstorming blogging topics because it's hard to just sit down and type when you don't have anything to type about. So I asked her what she would like to read about, and she said herself and another topic I will write about later.
So. How to describe Lexi? Lexi is hyper, and funny. She has black hair. Freckles.
Sorry Lexi, I tried.
Okay, next topic.
It's not the same to try and get to know someone online. People put high stock in Internet dating and stuff, but I think that Internet dating is quite possibly a synonym for Bolshevik (Synonym for bull-you-know-what). It's impossible to get to know someone from profiles and posts. I don't think you can get to know someone by reading snip bits of their lives. It just doesn't work that way. You can't tell their true emotions.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Five Minute long Post (Time Flies When You're Ranting Relentlessly)

(went back and edited)
So I have five minutes before I need to go to rehearsal to post this, because I feel like it, so here goes:
I had a band sectional today and no one but me showed up! I was all alone to try and survive through the treacherous song "Yankee Doodle Dandy" (Which doesn't sound as hard as it is but it is actually, in reality, quite hard.)
Lexi is sitting next to me and is looking at my last post, although I don't know how. I am happy someone other than Mac is finally reading this (No offence but you know that you have other views too so get over it!) Anyway, this is really tiring... typing as fast as I am. I am actually in (dulled) pain.
Look at how small this post is! I am typing faster than usual and yet it is too short! Time flew fast!
I woke up at five this morning for no reason. And four yesterday. And six the day before. Maybe I'm going insane. Wait, I always have been.
Five minutes up!

Friday 5 November 2010

It's My Birthday!

Today is my Birthday (here's where you say "Duh Rex, I got that from the title" and I say "Well, some people don't read the titles" and you say "Well then!" and let me win 'cuz it's my Birthday). It was amazing! My friends sang me happy birthday, people wished me happy birthday repeatedly, and my friends gave me cards. It was amazing; they're all so amazing.