"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

Saturday 30 July 2011


The lights, the lights
Spinning and changing
Blinking Blinking
Broken, Translucent
From my
World, spinning


Friday 29 July 2011

New Hollow

On a whim, I sign into blogger, right? And then I realize that, hey, it's Friday.

And so here I sit.

Uh... um... well...


Okay. WHEW. No clue what to say. Uhm...

Ah yes! I can write about New Hollow because it will
1.) It will tell Lexi
2.) I can give my opinion on something (shocker!)
3.) if SOMEONE ever logs into Blogger, he might be forced to read an entire post of ranting about a band he will absolutely never like (no offence to the band as this SOMEONE who hasn't blogged in SIX MONTHS and YES MAC I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU. UPDATE YOUR BLOG. YOU SAID YOU WOULD. GAH! Anyway, this someone doesn't like pop music.
4.) And it will be fun.


The band New Hollow combines a whole bunch of different sounds as every separate band member (of which there are three) brings their own influences into their music which is interesting because you can really hear the differences in their styles and you can hear the individual styles of each of them. You can really hear the different styles. I really think what the music industry needs right now is a group of kids who write their own stuff and who just want their music to be heard, and that's what these guys are. And, get this, they can actually play. Who would've known, eh? That two sixteen-year-olds and a fifteen year old could actually get together and collaboratively make decent music? Adults have their doubts, but New Hollow does exactly that.
And their group dynamic is excellent. Each member has their own style that fits into the band, with Chad (the drummer/rapper/vocalist on occasion) being, style-wise, the most laid back of the three. He seems quiet, but that may be because the other two band members are so outgoing that he can't get a word in edge-wise. However, I do think he is opinionated. If there was one thing I'd like to see from this band, it would be Chad speaking more (only, of course, if he wants to. under no circumstances does he have to talk).
Then there's Evan, with the most polished look of the group. He seems to favor suit-ish jackets and vests, and his haircut is mainstream. Surfer-ish mainstream, but not as surferish as aforementioned Surfer Boy. And, a shocker for the radio right now, his voice is actually more than decent. I mean, I can listen to his voice and hear the lyrics, instead of listen to the lyrics.
And then, of course, Mick, on guitar and vocal. I really love the artistic tricks he throws into his parts, like in their Airplanes cover, how when he sings the "it was just a dream part" he does whatever it is he does... if you've read my review of Princes and Frogs by Superchick, (click on the title to read it), you'll know that certain parts of songs really affect me. This one does, as well as the part in New Hollow's song Boyfriend (an amazing song, seriously) they do that think in the bridge where they all sing and stuff. Oh just listen to the song, for goodness sakes. GAH!


So yeah. That's it for my long rant. Look 'em up and "follow the hollow" at HERE!

Lexi, hope you're having fun in Ohio!
Lena, hope that wherever you're off to on Sunday is cool and junk. I think camp. Have fun either way.
Mina, I don't know what the heck you're doing. Like, seriously. Text me. Hope ya are havin fun.

I miss the wittiness of your references and your uncanny ability to find creepy ads.

love you all!

Check 'Em. Seriously. They're gonna be big.

Have a good summer!


Monday 25 July 2011


The look you give yourself in the mirror
When you feel you deserve it
The feeling you get
When someone looks your way
We all feel vain
Fell good about our looks
We all feel we deserve
Some sort of acknowledgement
Would be nice
For the work we put into looks
But no.

the looks we get from people
Humble us.
How do we feel
We have to right
To feel beautiful?
When we're the elephant
In the room?

Friday 22 July 2011

Freaked And Sore-Throated

I don't really know who to blame, but I'm going to blame... well...


The Dream Fairy.

Or, more accurately, the nightmare fairy. Because I am very sure that the only reason my throat hurts is because (and I cannot believe I am admitting this on the Internet) I cried in my sleep last night.

Okay, so my dream starts with my band and I help to paint over some graffiti in a school with a group of thugs, whom I assume were the ones who had originally spray painted it on the wall. Then, out of the sky (I think) water came and washed it away, and for some reason the thugs decided they didn't like that. Hey, maybe the thugs were actually, maybe, like, you know, just evil. Whatevs.

We then did what many of you would probably do if a few guys were being all macho and chasing you... ...

We, you know... ran.

So through the twisting hallways of an abandoned school we ran frantically, attempting to escape form the guys whom were at least four times bigger than us. Eventually we lost them, but it was obvious they weren't far behind us. The guys (yeah, the band was only guys; like Paramore or Hey Monday or VersaEmerge) and I checked everywhere for an exit; the only thing we could do to escape was find a way out.

Eventually I was lucky enough to find a door. Behind it, the next room contained a group of teenagers who were supposed to be dancing; music was playing but no one was moving. To get them moving, I started dancing like the spaz I am. Eventually, they all joined in before realizing who we were. We made our ways out.

What we found last was a gym decorated for a dance. The colors were neutral, brown and creme, and there were two raised platforms on either end of the gym, one holding the DJ's booth and the other a set of seats.

"Come on, we have to go!" One of the guys yelled.

"Let's just stay here. There's a dance here tonight. We'll be fine."

So we went and sat in the seats. I sat down and one of my band members (we'll call him J) sat next to me while the others sat a few rows behind.

"You know, if you'd wanted to start a band you could've expressed an interest. Told us."

I said nothing.

He was right. In his opinion...

"You wanna dance?" I asked J.

"What, are you going to try to get all the guys to dance with you," with a quick roll of my eyes, I stood.

"Hey, Rex. GOSTYN is waiting for you at the door. Why don't you go meet him?" Someone yelled up to me. I stood and ran to him; I ran as fast as I could. As soon as I got outside, I noticed how dark it was. It was as if a cloud had covered just us. Just our little part of the world. Just now.

"I'm going to fight in the Taiwan War," he sneered, throwing the whatever he had been holding into the air. A gasp escaped my lips before I could stop it. Suddenly, I started crying. My hands covered my mouth, they wiped my eyes, they smoothed my hair. His twisted and turned, a habit of his. I tired to conceal from him just how painful the thought of him, my GOSTYN, going to war was. My thoughts and pulse raced, the tears fell, and he stood there silently. As if the crying girl who stood before him was the most delicate stranger in the world. As if my frame would break if he moved. As if he were worried about me.

"Okay. Okay... why... uh, oh... okay..." I stuttered out. He stared at me, his eyes boring into mine, burning with something I couldn't comprehend. All I felt was fear; what if he didn't come back? Or, worse... he came back hurt? It was one thing to feel the pain for a moment. But for him to have to live the rest of his life with the pain another man caused in war, maybe in vain?

What if he changed?

It felt as though if he were to change, my world would change around me. Slowly shifting into a new place, a place it wouldn't belong and a place where I'm sure I wouldn't want to be.

The image shifted to one of me at the party, pretending to be fine.


A mask of happiness covering the total anguish I felt with every fibre of my being.


When I was crying in my dreams, I must've cried in real life.

This shook me up because GOSTYN is someone I wouldn't want to see go off to war; someone I'd like to know better and think that, if that were the future, I would.


Good Night!


PS GOSTYN is actually a real person, but I changed his name. If you want to guess who, let me give you a hint.

If you're very close to me, you know him.

And I sort of mean proximity.

Friday 8 July 2011

It So Happens To Be Friday Again

Hello People! I have a computer and lots of time to kill so this post will actually be substantial (hopefully)! Anyway, we shall have four parts today: Part 1: The Fault In Our Stars. Part 2: Doctor Who? Part 3: Harry Potter Comes To An End... Or Not? and Part 4: How to Run A Kamp 4 Kids!



As many of you may know, I am a HUGE John Green fan. And you'll never guess what's coming... DRUM-ROLL PLEASE... (duh duh duh duh duh duh DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH!)
He Wrote A New Book! (Insert girlish screams here.... because I can't do it out loud because my mom is on the couch next to me napping. Ha ha. That would be bad because she'd be grumpy.)

Anyway, it's called The Fault In Our Stars after a famous quote. It's about a girl who has cancer and how she meets a devilishly handsome boy who's up to no good. And a desert island. Yay! I've heard part of it because John Green did a live stream where he read part of it. It was spectacular!

And click the title to see something cool. ;)


For those of you who do not know there is a TV show in Britain called Doctor Who that is really popular among nerds and the common Englishman. However how I was sick and had nothing to do. So I watched the first 2 seasons and am (as we speak) watching the tenth episode of the third season. I highly suggest it for anyone who likes British Humor/Sci-Fi/History. It really is lovely!
Jack's all like "Banana?" The Doctor is all like, then Pew, Pew! Pew Pew Pew Pew!!! "Don't drop the banana!" Jack's all like "Why not?" And the Doctor is all like "Good source of potassium."
Ha ha. Had to be there. Watch. Watch Watch Watch. Pwease? No? Okay.


So the last Harry Potter movie is coming out soon which is so exciting! Yay! Of course, I hope to see it at midnight premier! There's something about Harry Potter fans that make us awesome; you know how I covered Part 1 and there was cheering and junk? I want to be there for that to happen again. The last time. I want to see the last time ever that a group of people will congregate to see the Boy Who Lived because he changed their lives and because they know that he truly teaches everyone how life should be lived. I want to be there because I've never been there before and how can I miss this one.

Fingers tightly crossed.

Anyway, the truth of the matter is that JK Rowling has been hinting that Pottermore is a continuation of the Harry Potter story! Yay! Just check the Twitter. I really really hope it is because that would be wonderful.

Part 4: How To Run A Kamp

So you want to run a kamp? Let me give you a few quick tips:

** Don't let anyone outside of Kamp make decisions for you
** Keep track of all expenses.
** Make sure the kids are under supervision AT. ALL. TIMES.
** If a worker at Kamp isn't doing her share of the job, shift the work load
** In it for the money? Still have to do the work.
** Focus on the age group and plan accordingly
** Over-plan everyday because kid's attention span is short
** If you can't do the work, don't say you can
** Take every precaution you can

Gots To Gos!
Lot's of love!


Sunday 3 July 2011


Dog just ran through our condo. Turned out to be our neighbor's, but my sister was really surprised. Rightfully.

"Uh, guys? There's a dog in our condo..."

Personally I would've said "When did we get a dog?"

Friday 1 July 2011

Green Notebooks and Books In General

As some of you may know, I am an avid musician. I do, as I assure I have been asked TIME and TIME again (*sarcasm*), write my own stuff. The first official songwriting book I had/have was green. My sister gave it to me for Christmas. However, I have filled it up. SO my singing teacher gave me one, also green, to use. I have absolutely no idea why, but I have been writing songs a lot more lately. And, not to sound full of myself or anything, but I think they're okay. My question for you is: Do you play an instrument? Of the five instruments I play, which do you want to hear me ramble about?

(It's late)

Love ya!