"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

Saturday 27 March 2010

Where's Rex?

Title-I am in the Big U! Utah! We have a place out here. My "Aunt" Teresa and "Uncle" Peter are here as well. Right now we're talking about bacon. Surprisingly, I'm enjoying myself. I usually don't get into listening people talk about eating baconated (My word) pig, but I am. So, yep.
Sea-saw-Hey, my friends were having a debate about if those things were a kid sits on each side of a wooden plank. One of them said that it's called a teeter-todder, the other said it was a sea-saw. I agree with the sea-saw.
Bacon (Sausage) Fest- at my "Aunt" and "Uncle's" church, they have a thing called bacon fest. They get like a mondo amount of bacon and then the men descend upon it like wolves. We are eating sausage and as my mom is serving it my dad says "Sausage Fest". So I need to go and descend on my two pieces of sausage like a wolf.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

I Gots to Tell You Something (This Means You, X-Etra)

So, I was at our school's Carnival For Cambodia and was walking around when, what do you know, I see X-etra man advertising a raffle. If you don't know who X-etra man is, look in my blogger links. ANYWAY... I went over to see what was up and guess what? There was a raffle and the winner would get a portrait done by one of the students at our school. At that point, only X had entered. There was one other person who had entered. The artist didn't want to draw X. So I entered so the artist wouldn't have to.
Guess what?
I won! Actually, Ellie and I won because I put both our names down.
(Yes, Mac. THAT Rex. Because you know so many)

Monday 22 March 2010

Squids, Fist Bumps, and BieberMania

I am so sorry it has taken me this long to update ;)
Squids- today we dissected squids in our sixth grade science class. The thought of dissecting an animal that had lived was enough to make me want to be a vegetarian. Needless to say, I sat out. Sure, dissecting squids may lead to great scientific discovery- but I'm more of an art-and-reading girl.
Fist Bumps- Okay, before I explain, can I just say that one of the most popular guys in school was fortunate enough to get a locker next to mine. So, at some point today, I was opening my locker when he tries to do one of those fist bumpy-thingies. I do them with my friends, but the way we do it is way cooler. Anyway, I ignored him. So he reached down to the hand that was unlocking my locker and he bumped it. I told him it doesn't count. He said it didn't. I insisted it didn't. He insisted it did. I said that the person had to do it voluntarily. He walked away. I laughed. I won.
BieberMania- Apparently the now 16-year-old Justin Bieber should be gearing up for a big year. I don't know why so many people like him- don't get me wrong, he's okay, but seriously. He sings like a seven year old girl. But he's releasing his "second album in five months". I read it on Yahoo!. Now you Justin Bieber fans out there just have to ask yourselves- Do you really want to be part of BieberMania? Do you want to help Justin Bieber take over the world?
I don't.
Just sayin'.
Love Me. (Get it? Forget it....)

Saturday 13 March 2010

Facing Fear, And Making a Fool Of Myself

So. You know how in fifth grade, that one kid bullies you? Well, he basically teases you in an exaggerated and mean way? And then you move on to the middle school and after a while you realize that he stopped, and you think he won't be bothering you again.? Yeah, well, you're wrong.
I was in town yesterday with a few friends and we were in an alley waiting for one of their moms to come and pick them up. So you know that kid I mentioned earlier? That kid came over to us, with his friends flanking him, and started to annoy us. We just kept talking to each other but eventually we started responding to what they were saying. At one point one of the guys stole Ellie's viola and started running with it. I went and got it. When I got back they were stealing Ellie's other stuff so I just went a head and grabbed the book they stole from him.
Evil Austen-loving minions.
I will get revenge
(If I figure out how to)

Friday 12 March 2010

Max Ride

You don't realize how much you love the people around you...
Until you lose them.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Special is Flawed

The only flaw to everyone being differant?
You can never replace the people you lose.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Reading, Doctors, Posters, and Testing

(Regular = Me 1, Italics = Me 2)
I haven't uploaded in so long!
Well, hello to you, too!
Oh. Yeah. That.
Yeah, THAT. Your kinda supposed be courteous.
It's MY blog. I can do whatever. I. Want!
I'm you. It's my blog, too.
Man. You can be so mean.
You just called yourself mean.
Man! You can be soooo stupid!
You just called yourself stupid.
Claps for me!
I would NEVER say that.
No. You did.
Touche. How were the ?SATS?
Good. I wrote a pretty dang awesome essay.
Good. We have to get them good grades.

Okay, I'm gonna type like normal now. One of my other Besties, ( I call 'em that. Get over it.) is sleeping over tonight because her family is at the doctor's with her brother. My heart goes out to them as he has been sick for some time. I hope he gets better soon...
Anyway, she has helped me make a poster for my room. It has a lot of my favorite singers on it, mostly Taylor Swift, and Harry Potter. It looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I am a reading machine! I need to read LESS. Most people need to read more. Like this one girl in my science class who couldn't pronounce some every-day words.
Anyway, I need to stop saying Anyway