"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

Sunday 29 May 2011

TurnOnTheBrightLights: Torches

TurnOnTheBrightLights: Torches: "Foster The People released their debut album Torches last week as a follow up to their hyped 2010 self titled EP . Formed in 2009, th..."
Go check out the song, it's amazing!
And her photos are really artistically brilliant! (was that a sentence?)

Saturday 28 May 2011

Mis Fotos De Mayo

This picture is one of my favorites because I like the colors in it and because I like the red strip on the side. In case you were wondering, that's there because we had a problem with the film (I often do) and we had to open the back of the camera. This exposed the film to light (which you don't do unless you have to fix the film and even then it's not good.

I adore this picture because it's on a slight angle, because of the signs, the lights, and the taxi cab. I think the green lights in the distance are kind of like the lights at the end of the tunnel.
If you were curious, the blur on the bottom right is the sticker for our car to show that it's registered- I didn't blur it on purpose.
This is definately my favorite picture.

                                           This isn't one of my best pictures, however it does capture something I've always seen as a good picture; review mirrors. I love reflections, and this one is a good one. However, I feel that things like this just don't photograph the way they actually are.
So yeah. I just got the CD with my pictures on it back, and these were the best ones I can show you.
All the photos came out really poorly, so I had to go through them and enhance the good ones.
They're all really fuzzy and all have a light tint of gray, which is annoying.
Anyone know how to fix it?


Summer Music

As summer quickly approaches, I have been trying to organize my schedule. I think this summer will be mainly focased on my writing and my music. So this summer I will be writing more, pracicing more, and focusing more in regards to music, and I guess in regards to writing as well. But I think I should also explain that there are many performances this summer.

To start with, Taylor Swift is coming and my dad got my sister and I tickets! So that should be lots of fun!
And Deathcab For Cutie is coming as well, and my sister and I are going to try to go.
All Caps is also coming!!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!

And (this is what I am really excited for book-wise) MEG CABBOT IS COMING!!!


(I'm really tired, so LPL)

Friday 20 May 2011

Hello, There!

This post, fueled by sweat, blood, and a lot of caffeine, comes to you in 2 PARTS! But like my science homework, each will be compound!
Here we go!

PART 1A- InnerBanter (It's Back!*)

So lately I've been thinking...
Since when do you think?
I think.... sometimes.
When do you think anything interesting?
Okay, I admit, that's rare.
We all know it is.
Yeah, all the little people here inside your brain!
There are people in my brain?
Yeah there are people in your brain! I would know- I'm one of them!
Aren't you, like, my consicous or something?
No, I'm the one who tells you to procrastinate.
So what should I do now.
You should procrastinate.

(Actual conversation I have when I am about to start homework.)

Yes. It's true. I have a bit of a tendancy towards procrastination. I know there are many ways to fix it, but eh. The homework always gets done eventually. So no problems there. However, I think that it should be said that there are many ways to procrastinate, such as:

Checking email (which I do all too frequently even though no one emails me)
Blogging (which next to nobody reads)
Checking Facebook (except nothing on Facebook is ever new on my wall)
Playing the same song over and over on piano (just because I can)
And procrastinating my procrastination.

I seriously have a problem keeping my head when I want to do homework because I know it will be boring. Which never turns out to be true; it is just work. I don't really have an aversion to it other than the fact that I'm really lazy.

Do you procrastinate?

I don't really like school, because it takes up a lot of time and I always have a headache by the end of the day. So it may surprise you that, when faced with the oppurtunity to do no work (ie today I don't have school), I plan on doing school work. Because, no matter how hard I try, that pesky work stuff always follows me home, like the stray cat that lives at the end of our block (well, he's not stray- he does have an owner- but his owner always lets him out).
Our teacher is making us construct a memory book of all the writing pieces we did this year and I have to re-format all my essays. Which is mean.


On my arms there are currently faint outlines of two things I wrote on my arm in support of link with pink. On one it says Link With Pink (I just checked- that one washed off....) which is our school's walk for Breast Cancer. And the other says "Team VBeare" because I was walking for a women named Vickie Beare who died of breast cancer when I was in fourth grade. It was a long walk and both the Lexinator and I wanted to just go home (both of our mothers are currently hospitalized) and the sun gave me a headache. :(.

Hope you're all well! Check out my awesome new poll!


Wednesday 18 May 2011

Any Requests?

Anything you want to see come out of this blog? No? Yes? YES? Tell me! I want to know! I don't mind harsh criticism!



Saturday 7 May 2011

Don't Go Hating On Me!

I am sick, so forgive me. I have a bug! A bug, a bug, a bug, a bug! Not the kind that makes you toss cookies, but the kind that makes you worry because you have a singing audition in less that a week, and you have to, you know, sing. But I can barely even yawn without feeling pain. So, please, give me a break. I had to play at a festival yesterday, and I could barely talk, and as you might've guessed that didn't really help my throat.

So this is all you're going to get. I promise- I will post again this week and it will be interesting. I promise!