"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

Tuesday 30 August 2011


There is an enigma box
That my teacher wants me to solve
And so for the next few days
Around this box my thoughts revolve

Water goes in, but more comes out
And my mind can't figure it out
I try and try and try and try
But my mind just spins about

How, I can't seem to fathom,
Is how the water just seems to appear
I swear you didn't put that much in
It wasn't green and how'd it get here?

Thursday 25 August 2011


Faster, faster, faster.
Farther, farther, farther.
Blink, blink, blink.
Stuck on my
Wish I could
What I
have seen
and done
where has
the time
the time
where has
the moon
the moon
my life
my heart
and soul

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Summer Is Over! :(

I don't know if this is just me, but I feel like an idiot. Because this summer has passed and I remember every day (that mattered) but I don't remember ever feeling like summer had started. I spent all year looking forward to this, and thinking about how I wanted to spend it, but I didn't realize it was summer, the only time of the year to completely let loose, and totally took advantage of it. I sort of kind of just sat around, playing the same songs over and over again.

I did nothing.

And now all I can think about is that I didn't really do anything; I have almost nothing to show for this summer. For the life of me, I wish I had done more. I know, I did a lot. But not enough for three months. I just can't help but feel like I shouldn't have spent my summer the way I did. And trust me, I wish I could be telling you all how much I did and how happy I am with what I did. I really, really wish I could.

Things I Did This Summer:

- joined a band for a week

- ran a camp for two weeks

- I started a band

- Attended a party of five

-Learned "Good Enough"

-Went to Utah

- Learned saxophone (kinda)

- Went to see T-Swifty

-I wrote some songs

- learned guitar

Love you!


Friday 19 August 2011

In Six Minutes, It's Tommorrow

Today, I went to a party that was supposed to have, like, forty people there.
There were five, including me.
So Jenna, the woman who ran it, had to kick us out. But it's okay because the five of us had a party at the park.
and now I'm starting a band.
Name suggestions?

Love you, more later!


Wednesday 10 August 2011

Taylor Swift OMZ!

If you knew my age, you'd tell me I am young.
Thanks. I know.
However, I turn a new age in a couple of months, and you'd probably still say I'm young.
And if I told you I've already found what I'm passionate about, you'd say it was impossible.

Let me promise you.
It isn't.

I think it's important for everyone to find something they are passionate about, because I know how it feels to have something I know I will never stop doing. and, in case you were wondering, that thing is music.

Let me tell you why I'm up at 12:22 in the morning.

Today, I went to a Taylor Swift concert. And this expirience is something I want to share with you.

A lot of people hate celebrities, claiming that they're fakes or that they don't actually care about the fans or the music or whatever. But if they're thinking this about Taylor Swift, they're wrong. Because, when you see her live in concert, you notice a lot. For example, whenever the crowd cheered for her, her eyes lit up; nothing could keep her from smiling. The only exception to that statement, is that if you yelled in the middle of a song, she would barely notice. This being because she gets so lost in the songs, so into them, that we seem like her closest friends to whom she's telling a personal story. As an audience member, I could see her relive every moment the lyrics were about, and that's a hard thing to watch.
But it's harder to do.
And still, I left that stadium wishing that I could be the one on tour, singing my heart out to 13,000 people at a time, making memories and sharing them.
I close my eyes now, and see her smile and then the crowd that put it there. I see her red dress as she sings "Haunted" and I see the bell that then concealed her. I see the purple dress she wore for "Speak Now", "Fearless", and so many others.

I'm so happy I saw her tonight, because she changed my perspective.

I could see, when she sang "Our Song" in that white dress (barefoot, no less), that she was comfortable where she was, that it was her home. And there's something to be said for that.

The dress she wore for "Enchanted" was beautiful, beige with silver sparkly designs, and it flowed to the ground. The last dress she wore for both "Fifteen" and "Love Story" was absolutely gorgeous, and the beige sparkly number at the beginning wasn't so bad either.

And, guess what? Her "roadies" carry around guitar picks with her face on them (in case she or another person needs one), and he gave us each one! AHHHHHH! (<---girly scream)

More later ;)

Love you!


Friday 5 August 2011

The REAL Post For Today

Part 1: Another Instance Where the American Government Is Insane

Two girls, both born at home, who never went to school, want to get jobs. Sounds average, right? However, their births were never legalized. Which means that, until now, the government didn't know they existed. The sisters sued the government to get birth certificates, and are now attempting to get social security numbers.
If you were not aware, you need to prove you are resident of the States, one of the fifty, to get a number. You do this, of course, by presenting some forms of identification (driver's liscence, birth certificate, US Passport). Yet, they still cannot get their own SS numbers.
Personally, I think this whole situation is pretty hilarious from my perspective. But from their perspective, they just spent a small fortune on sueing the government for births certificates to get social security numbers so they can work. But, as they "do not have the correct paper work" they can't get their own Social Security numbers.
They can't get passports either.

You can read the whole story by clicking on the title.

Part 2: NaNoWriMo

In November, I will be writing a 50,000 word novel. Sound familiar? It's the same kind of concept as Screnzy except instead of writing a 50 page script, you... you know...


So the plot is kinda similar to the dream synopsis I posted earlier. When November rolls around I will give you a way to check my stats.

Love you!


(PS Guess where I am? MY NEW RE-DONE ROOM! YAY!


I AM IN POTTERMORE! HA HA IT'S TOO LATE FOR YOU TO JOIN! (unless you read this within ten minutes of my posting this).

Tuesday 2 August 2011


Hey! Usually I type a lot of shpeel here, but you don't care. Especially since all I was going to talk about was... oh, well. Never mind. It was not really interesting any way.
Part 1: My Room
So, as we speak, I am writing from my living room. And I assume you want to know why. You don't want to? Man. You gys are a hard bunch to please.
Part 2: Still My Room
Yeah. I'm a gonna write about it anyways. As we speak, a ginge is painting my room. I know what you're thinking, how could I leave a ginge alone in my room, on account of the fact that gingers have no souls? Well, I disagree. I trust this one. Mostly beacuse I have no choice but to. My room, at the end of all of this, will be two different shades of teal with the age-old gold strip through the middle. ;).
Part 3: BEDA
I'm doing Blog Everyday in August. Or I was until I found out that I didn't blog yesterday. So I guess it's going to be blog everyday in August plus the first of September. Hope ya'll don't mind, but ti will be easier to reach my goal of some odd number of posts. I can't remember the abount at the moment, but it will come to me.
Part 4: Harry Potter
I realize I write about Harry Potter very often (speaking of which I'm going to be reviewing DHp2 on my other blog; link to it when I do) but this time it's serious. Like, serious writing.

I mean it.

Lexi and I are writing a book (current title: From The Ashes) about what it's like when James Potter is a school. The second James Potter, in case you were wondering. I've written the first chapter and hopefully Lexi is writing the second...


Charlotte told Margaret a lot of things she'd heard, even when she'd overheard Jenkins Yule saying that he thought Margaret was "more beautiful than the water nymphs", (to which she said that he had a better chance with them), yet Charlotte couldn't bring herself to tell Margaret that she had found a way into every common room.


Love you!
