"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

Friday 31 December 2010

Happy New Year!

I'm a trendsetter. Not in fashion, not in music (no matter how hard I
try). But in ski lift behaviour.
When on a ski lift, we bark at the people below because, as everyone
knows, confusion is funny when you are the one causing it. One time,
without meaning to, we made a little kid fall down. Oops. But hey, it
was still highly amusing!
Since I am supposed to finish this book (The Beatles: The Music Was
Never the Same A Biography of the Beatles) for school, I really should
be going. But here are two fun tidbits:
5 Things Acomplished in 2010
1. Established blog
2. Wrote 10 polished songs
3. Retied old ties
4. Got "married"
5. Performed my dream part (Mia Thermopolis)
Michael Moscovitz (SWOON.)

Friday 24 December 2010

I LEFT THE PARTS THING BLANK AGAIN! (oh and happy holidays...)

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Happy Holidays!
 Let's do some parts, shall we? How about _ parts (In my last post, I forgot to go back and put in the amount of parts. Let us see if it happens again...

I'm not sure what we're calling it, but my sister and I are beginning a new project where we both have blogs to review stuff on and sometimes we review the same thing. It's a work in progress. The first person to comment on my blog wins a prize (I'm not saying whether or not it actually exists, just that it's a prize). Want a hint? Here: bookwormincombatboots.blogspot.com = the Dreaded Sister's blog. Another new project is a story based on a dream I had. So unfortunately if you like reading about my dreams (I doubt any of you do, but this way I have them documented) cannot hear about this one quite yet. Here's a little back story: it's in England, it's all a letter, and there is killing involved. Sound like a good read? If I ever want to actually complete the writing of this story, I will need people motivating me. I would like for you to be those people.
Just a thought.

Saturday 18 December 2010


This is Robin coming at you with a _ part post.

1- Redundancy

I've been rereading posts from long ago and I noticed the abundant redundancy. Lately I posted a post mentioning Nerdfighteria, but I posted a post about Nerdfighters in May/June/One of those other Months. And in one post I mentioned a guy we called for that post Joe, then in the next post I brought him up again. And have you noticed that almost EVERY SINGLE POST BEGINS WITH HEY. It's actually annoying to read. And I am very redundant in my speeching. I can't even think of a synonym for redundant (other than repeating ones self incessantly but I don;t think that counts because that is the basic definition of redundancy.

Friday 17 December 2010

For Sursies

This post comes in 3 parts:
1- Presents, Presents, Presents!
This year, I made every one's presents. I am writing songs for everyone. Lexi and Becky already received theirs officially, Sherlock and Cami unofficially. I say officially/unofficially because I wrote everyone songs. Including Mac. Someday, I will get it to him.
2- Trombones
I have to write about this. There are no Trombones (that I'm aware of) in Concert Band. I am very distressed by this fact. I think this is very bad and very mean of S to take them all for herself. I mean, she only thinks about her band and how her band sounds. So the people of concert band are the people she didn't want. So Oliverochi (my band director) got all of her left-overs.
3- Webkinz
Migid Brigid LOVES Webkinz. So she bought one today while we were in Town. (We're Townies; Jellicoe Road reference!) (gosh I'm such a nerd....) (AND PROUD OF IT!) ANYWAY she also got my present while we were there (technically mine was free...). I'm excited to get it.

Migid Brigid and Liz-Mister are waiting for me to finish....

so BYE! (Longer Post Later) (Another book reference, except that book was one of the worst ever) (I'm too embarassed to tell the name because the book was that bad)


(PS I expect everyone who reads this post to read Lexi's post. If you don't, you'll get coal in your stocking! Trust me, I know the Big Guy Up North!) (TV reference :: BONES)

Friday 10 December 2010

FIRE! (Or I guess not)

Originally this was going to be about a Vlogbrothers joke, but I decided this was going to be a post where I just start typing and see where it goes.
You might have noticed that I do this a lot.
This post, I've decided, will come in 4 Parts.
Part 1: Show Her the Strength of Your Love
Just a lesson for you boy, (I'd say plural, but Mac is the only boy who reads this), giving a girl a diamond necklace from a store that is selling it for 5X what it's worth shows her the strength of your love. So this Christmas, instead of making her a gift even though that's what she obviously wants (I have decided that I like homemade gifts more then others when they come from friends. Lexi and Cami know this.) she will truly know how much you love her. Because the only thing that will make a girl love you. Okay, I honestly think that guys shouldn't rely so much on Jewelry. Because girls (like me) don't think Jewelry makes a difference in a relationship because people don't need to put thought into jewelry, but thought is required to make a gift. So there! (I'm watching TV. It was a commercial) (also know most wives don't want watches either.)

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Nick C*****, This One's For You

It's not Friday!
Wow, you finally figured out how to tell your days of the week apart from each other!
Are you calling yourself incompetent.
No! I've known how to tell the days of the week apart since I could talk. I just didn't want to share my knowledge.
Just think of how much I would've benefited from you sharing all those things you know.
Oh, like that 80% of the left handed people who die every year die from using products designed for right handed people?
That's not true.
I guess we'll never know.

In case you really are curious, that's not true. This blog contain three parts: Part 1) The Corn. Part 2) The title.. Part 3) Gym Class.

Saturday 4 December 2010


Hey peeps! whats shakin? well, your probably wonndering y this is lexi. well, im reviewing rex's play from like last week. (but im not a creepy hacker or anything, rex asked me 2). so here goes:
I went to the play with cami, and it was AMAZING!!!! unfortunately i couldnt c rex as mia. :(
on to the actual plot
so there was this family, who all love eachother deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppp down, but the older brother and sister are teenagery and moody and the parents are busy with taxes (say it in an english accent, it sounds funny!). so the little kid is sad and stuff and wishes on a shooting star to make everyone nice and disneylike.

Friday 3 December 2010


I am talking to SOMEONE at the moment (you know who you are, Mr. Blogger... opps!) So I'll post tom. Morning if I don't feel like you-know-what from you-know where!

Hey! I'm posting. Hopefully you're not upset with me!

Okay. So... I've started working on Christmas presents today. I've decided to make my own presents (thanks, Mac, for the lovely idea last night.) But I need to take a break.

The play last night went swimmingly. I performed my scene (Amelia Thermopolis from the Princess Diaries) and people laughed at my line (Grandmother: ...Princess of Genovia Me: Shut Up!) It was great! The cast party afterwards rocked. When they announced director wars, where our two most competitive directors go head to head, the girls were hilarious!

Friday 26 November 2010

Do You Hear Yourselves, Teenage Girls?

Yeah, I already updated today, even if my computer thinks it was yesterday. I don't know why it did, but it did. So I'm here to make sure you don't think I posted the day before I said I would. So yeah.
Dream - I had a dream last night-My friends and I were making boats. It seemed to be a class assignment. I was helping people. The waves made me drop my pencil (and my friend's pencil). I kept trying to get them but the pressure of the moving water wouldn't let me. It was annoying as heck trying to get those two pencils. Then someone swam happily in and grabbed them.
Long dream short? I was left behind by my "friends" because I had helped them instead of doing my own work. Can I just mention that I didn't know any of them?

Thursday 25 November 2010

Birdcalls, Knuckle Popping, Yellow Ops... Ah the Complexity of Middleschool Boys

It's 1:33 AM. I can't sleep. So I thought I'd write.
How are you? That's good.
So, my topic today shall be "Annoying Habits of the Boys in my Grade" (or maybe just in general.)
So, fist off, you have the Birdcall. They blow into their hands and make bird calls. It's annoying and quite frankly isn't cool. (Though I have to admit that it's funny when someone gets in position to do it and says "Birdcall! Birdcall!") The killer part is that they do it during class, which is pretty disruptive and really Bleeps the teachers of (<- reference to Paranormalcy).
Then there's this thing where they feel compelled to crack their knuckles excessively and quite loudly. It's downright disturbing. I don't know how to explain it other than using onomatopoeia, (and since I have relatively no dignity, I'll humour you). Crack (Pop)! Crack (Pop!)! Crack POP POP POP! There. Happy?
I know I am! (Sarcasm, people! Use it!)

Saturday 20 November 2010

Dream #2

So we're in Disney World, right? Me and a bunch of people I've never met but apparently we're buddies. So we get on this ride, right? It's a Barney ride so I don't expect much from it. So we get on this couch and go through this ride. Then, the lights come on in one scene. It's a furniture store. From the future.
Then, and I'm not kidding, these big doors open and there in front of us is the most epic tree-thing that we're supposed to climb (other than the one at my church). So what do we do? We climb it!

Friday 19 November 2010

By the way...

Did you know one person in the UK viewed my blog? I didn't either!
Don't forget the three people in Denmark and the four in Canada!


I just got back from seeing the best movie of the year. But before I tell you about this, I have to address a very serious matter. It has come to my attention that the people who name movies are slowing going insane. And the people who think of the plots of movies are also nuts. I know this for a fact because one of the previews for the movie started off with a guy in the middle of a dessert wearing an intricate, and I'm sure very expensive, watch. Then they're westerns. But wait! What could take this already strange cowboy movie to think next level? I think the name of this upcoming blockbuster hit is self-explanatory.
Are you ready?
Cowboys and Aliens.
Yes, you read that right.
Cowboys and Aliens.
I kid you not (excetera man, I used your slogan!)
So, after getting over the deep disturbance I felt upon seeing this preview, I settled in to watch the newest installment of the ongoing (and epic) series, Harry Potter.
All I can say is that this movie was like taking all the awesomeness of the last 6 movies and smashing them all into a really long but still totally amazing movie. I don't want to spoil the movie, so I'll say nothing.
No thing!
okay, this is what I remember I needed to say: It's different to experience a movie in a theater than at home because when you're in a theater with a bunch of people who love the story as much as you do, it makes since to applaud when something happens even though the only people who hear you clapping are the other people in the audience. But it's that experience that changes it. (I added this in after posting, so it's in italics)
So, about our blog family...
I think I have our positions all lined up. Mac- you're the Dad, I'm the Mom, The Cami (she's blonde. she hurt her ankle. she's really funny. you would like her) is our eldest daughter, Lexi is our younger daughter, and if Monkey ever starts reading this, she will be our pet monkey (she chose it!).
Mac, you're the only guy. That makes you the Dad by default.
I'm the Mom because I'd never be creepy like the ones Mac wrote about (SO CREEPY) and because I'm next oldest and because I'm the other blogger.
Cami is a reader- she's older than Lexi
Lexi is a reader- she's younger than Cami
And Monkey? Well, who knows what's going on up there... (kidding, kidding...) (kinda)

So. There you have it. If you disagree with anything, let me know...
Can I tell y'all about my new piano?
I'm getting a digital piano on Monday! Well, technically we already bought it but that's beside the point... it's coming Monday and I'm SOOO excited. I even went to the trouble of holding down shift while writing "sooo" because my caps lock key fell off (so did my N key, which explains why I'm not typing as fast as I can.) Anyway, a digital piano is the same thing as a regular piano, except instead of striking strings, I don't know what it does.
Yep. Love ya!

~Forever and Always~

Saturday 13 November 2010

Am I Forgiven?

Okay, so I guess an apology is in order. I didn't write yesterday. But I think you should forgive me because I already posted this week. But I guess if you don't want to forgive me, that would be fine. :)
So here is the big topic of this week: Lizzie. The other person who reads this (You hear that Mac? We're not alone anymore!) I was brainstorming blogging topics because it's hard to just sit down and type when you don't have anything to type about. So I asked her what she would like to read about, and she said herself and another topic I will write about later.
So. How to describe Lexi? Lexi is hyper, and funny. She has black hair. Freckles.
Sorry Lexi, I tried.
Okay, next topic.
It's not the same to try and get to know someone online. People put high stock in Internet dating and stuff, but I think that Internet dating is quite possibly a synonym for Bolshevik (Synonym for bull-you-know-what). It's impossible to get to know someone from profiles and posts. I don't think you can get to know someone by reading snip bits of their lives. It just doesn't work that way. You can't tell their true emotions.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Five Minute long Post (Time Flies When You're Ranting Relentlessly)

(went back and edited)
So I have five minutes before I need to go to rehearsal to post this, because I feel like it, so here goes:
I had a band sectional today and no one but me showed up! I was all alone to try and survive through the treacherous song "Yankee Doodle Dandy" (Which doesn't sound as hard as it is but it is actually, in reality, quite hard.)
Lexi is sitting next to me and is looking at my last post, although I don't know how. I am happy someone other than Mac is finally reading this (No offence but you know that you have other views too so get over it!) Anyway, this is really tiring... typing as fast as I am. I am actually in (dulled) pain.
Look at how small this post is! I am typing faster than usual and yet it is too short! Time flew fast!
I woke up at five this morning for no reason. And four yesterday. And six the day before. Maybe I'm going insane. Wait, I always have been.
Five minutes up!

Friday 5 November 2010

It's My Birthday!

Today is my Birthday (here's where you say "Duh Rex, I got that from the title" and I say "Well, some people don't read the titles" and you say "Well then!" and let me win 'cuz it's my Birthday). It was amazing! My friends sang me happy birthday, people wished me happy birthday repeatedly, and my friends gave me cards. It was amazing; they're all so amazing.

Friday 29 October 2010

You Don't Care About My Hair

(Regular Me; Other me)
Yo other me! Guess what happens a week from today!
What Rex? Easter?
You should know, I mean you ARE ME!
You're getting your braces off?
No! That is a week from yesterday!
Oh. That's right it's your birthday!
Took you long enough!
I did better than Mel!
Yes. You did.

Mel thought my Birthday was on the ninth. Then the eleventh. Then the fourth.
Then I pitied her and told her the actual date. (Which is he fifth, if you were wondering)

Animal Farm isn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. I wasn't tortured as I read it. Was an okay book. I'm kind of annoyed that everyone made it out to be the worst book ever, but I... I kind of liked it, looking back at it. And I didn't realize this until just now, but it was actually... Good. The writing. I'm not saying I necessarily enjoyed the content, but it's a good book for aspiring writers (like me!)
So yes. I liked it. Which apparently is abnormal.

You're just going to have to settle for this because I'm tired.
Forever and Always-

PS my hair is wavy, which is disappointing b/c it was supposed to be curly. :(

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Nerdfighters Unite

I figured I owe you. So here:
Harry Potter nerds (like me) will love me for this: The Harry Potter Experience (Ha ha, play on wrock music band name!) I went to Hogsmeade in Universal. SO COOL! I mean, seriously, the ride was probably one of the coolest I've ever been on! It was so sick. Part of it was just watching a screen, but for some parts you moved through actual real stuffs! It was ultimately the most epic thing I have ever seen! ;)
I will begin posting as regularly as I can from here on out. I will most likely throw in a few surprise posts, as my new writing practice plan (Nerdalert!) includes the chance of a new blog post. Basically, I pull a topic out of a tin. Or maybe a task, like update blog. So as I change my schedule so I have more free time, I shall also do that.
Lately I have become re-obsessed with the Vlogbrothers on Youtube. They are two brothers who live really far away from each other so they make videos to keep in touch. Personally, I think it's unfair that celebrities get more views for generally being idiots, whereas they don't get as many views as they definitely deserve.
Just saying (Meekakitty (Youtube))


Friday 10 September 2010

The Show Must Go On

I auditioned for the school musical today. I acted. Fun.
Do you know that feeling when you're lying in bed at night and wishing you could go home, even though that's where you apparently where you are? I've been thinking lately that maybe that's our subconscious talking saying that it's time to step away from everything and relax. But how is it possible to do that when you're so stressed. THAT'S the real question. How do you step away when you're tied and shackled like a prisoner in the life you live? How do you escape, really, truly, escape, when the only key to your cuffs has been destroyed?
I know this was short. Sorry.
I'm not in the best of moods.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

It's Tuesday And I'M SORRY!

It's not Friday and I couldn't log in on Friday.
My computer was acting up and wouldn't let me sign in. :(
Nerdfighters-I am officially a nerdfighter! We fight suck and are fueled by awesome! Look up one of my FAVORITE authors, John Green, and his brother, the amazing musician, Hank Green, on YouTube under VlogBrothers, or Brotherhood 2.0. It takes a while to understand the inside jokes, but if you just keep watching, you'll figure it out! I also recommend the ever-popular John Green books An Abundance of Katherines and Paper Towns. Oh, and Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I'd recommend Looking For Alaska but I have to wait until I'm fourteen to read it because it's graphic.
Friday was Back To School Day. I put all of my stuff in one locker then realized my locker was somewhere else. Fun.
Gotta go.
Sorry for short post.
(Look it up)

Sunday 15 August 2010

I'm Watching Den Brother Because Nothing Else Is On

Hahahaha It's not Friday!
But Whatever.

Okay, it's true. I confess. I'm watching the new movie, Dan Mother, on Disney channel. I know, I am a girl, but I'm just a bit too old to get into this kind of thing. Yet, this movie is not too bad if you're a Girl Scout (Which I am). Go ahead. Laugh at me for being the only girl in my "troop."
But, anyway, Tomorrow will be a very musical day! I have a voice lesson AND a piano lesson because my piano teacher rescheduled my lesson. I've now decided that as soon as I can play piano pretty well, I want to learn guitar. But you probably don't care about that.
SHORT POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 14 August 2010

It's Not Friday

Check It! It's Not Friday And I'm Writ ting!
Crazy- If you can't tell, I'm hyper and hysterical because I fell asleep at about 5:00 AM last "night". And woke up at nine. My Dad attempted to wake up up at 10:00, not knowing I was awake as I was still lying in bed for no particular reason, by blasting music over our intercom. "Animal" by Neon Trees came on. Good Song!!!!
Yard Saleing- Usually, every few Saturdays I go what I call Yard Saleing, meaning I grab ten bucks and ride my bike to the yard sales around town. Fun, fun, fun, fun! I sometimes bring my sis, but she isn't as good at finding deals as I am. And she isn't as awesome at figuring out where everything is as I am. So... yeah.
Vinyl- Yep, we've found our record player, and a box full of my Dad's old vinyls! Aren't you happy for us! We're not as happy as you seem to be because, low and behold, the record player is, of course, broken! And, even though he looked at it for half-an-hour, my Dad wasn't able to fix it.
Mural- I'm making a mural for my room on a silver board we used for an Easter Seals event I helped plan. It was fun, and everyone was thankful for us helping out. But the mural should look awesome when I'm done. I plan to put photos on it and "F and A" On it in blue foam. And I have a few random objects I've found that I'll hot glue on.
As always,
Forever and Always,
(Shout out to Mac, for being the only reader)

Friday 13 August 2010


I haven't posted in so long! I am now making a promise:
I, Rex, Writer of This Blog, Will From This Friday, (Today, Friday the 13th of August ((See Below))), Will Attempt To Write Every Friday!

Okay, coupla things to say here...
1) Friday the Thirteenth- It really hasn't been that unlucky (Knock on wood), save a small (umpocco)(spellcheck?) storm. It's over now, though. I hadn't realized until halfway through the day that today was the unlucky Friday the Thirteenth. I love Fri13. It's a fave day of mine, as it is constantly moving!
2) Movies- Went to see Charlie St. Cloud on Monday. Was surprisingly good as it had Zac Effron in it. No offense to him, but Hairspray ruined him for me. The little kid in it? Sam? (Or, rather, the kid who plays Sam) Genius! I really want to see that movie that came out today, Will Something vs. Something. Not the real title, I know, But I don't remember it.
3) Readers- Yep. It's true. No one reads this blog. I've realized that. But, hey! It's fun to write to imaginary people! It's awesome to spend half an hour on something no one but you will ever read!
4) Vinyl- Tomorrow my Dad is going to help me dig out his old record player!!!! Paramore (My new FAVORITE Band) sells vinyl, so that is on my list of things to get, but I'm slightly more excited to go to a record store I found near me. Did you know that they (might) sell records at Borders? Neither did I!
5) The Big U- Utah was great! The drive down (Up? Sideways? West?) was fun, I listened to Boys Like Girls, the new album Love Drunk, repeatedly... Good times, good times (Laughs at memories). We were kidnapped off a train. Went horseback riding then got back on train. Fun times.
6) Sorry it took me so long to post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7)Love ya'll!

Forever and Always

Sunday 16 May 2010

My Little Pledge

Today I was watching Extreme Makeover- Home Edition when I realized that I haven't done anything to help anyone. I've never made a real difference.
Sure, I've done volunteer work. Some through church, some through school, but I've never made a real difference. So as of now I am going to try and be better at this. This helping other people. Because I have to find a way to make this world a better place. If I can't, there really isn't a reason for me to be here.
But I digress.
(I have no idea what that means but, hey, it sounds cool.)
I went to see Letters To Juliet. I think it was hilarious but predictable. I liked it anyway.
(hee hee)

Saturday 15 May 2010

Dream #1

Here you go:
Standing in the crowd that had formed between three classrooms, I started to feel like something was about to happen. Suddenly, the fire alarm in Mrs. Beyer's room started going off. Everyone laughed, thinking it was just a drill. They stopped as soon as they saw the smoke and the flames.
Suddenly, I'm in a park with my class. They announce we're going to meet James Patterson. So, we go on a hunt. When we find him we start asking him questions.
Then I woke up.
I guess both of these events are things I want to happen.
The first one.... kinda. I guess.


Today, I feel like complaining.
I don't know why, but I just kinda do. So, if you don't want to read this... SKIP IT. I won't mind. Go ahead. I know, no one wants to hear me complain but there are a few people out there who might, so ANYWAY...
Maximum Ride- So, Night Flight? Of all names, they are probably going to call the Maximum Ride movie Nightflight? Of all things? And, what about casting? I mean.... I now that every kid out there who has read this book wishes to play one of the characters, but I REALLY wish that, by some strange miracle, I get casted. Of course, that is basically a dream that is completely unreal, as I know that there is no way on earth that I am going to find a way to book an audition. Because they are probably going to private casting calls. I guess I'll just have to settle for writing a very angry and strongly worded letter to James Patterson when they cast a person who just wants to be famous and doesn't know anything about Maximum and totally ruins the movie for me.
Boys- Namely the boys who sit at my ELA table. They feel compelled to make inappropriate comments and disrupt class. One boy has a serious problem with the word "Wait!", as I've mentioned before. Now it has spread to virtually everyone in the class. Miss Wilkie gets SO annoyed. It's actually quite funny. One of the boys has his heart set upon me asking another boy at our school out. Reasons I have a problem with it:
1. I HATE the guy. With a devoted passion even Draco Malfoy or Ari are jealous of.
3. His locker is next to mine and his 'friends' always block my locker while they are surrounding his. They are more annoying than "Wait!" Boy, if you can imagine that.
Why don't I date? I'm too young. Duh.


Monday 10 May 2010


I'm not going to start this blog with "Hey", because, frankly, It's getting annoying for me to read my own posts over as ever stinking one of them, except the two-liners, start with "Hey".
I think....
How 'bout " 'Sup"? I know, technically it's not actually a word. But, why not? I mean, fantabulous is technically a word. I know because Shakespeare used it in Macbeth. Granted i haven't actually read as far as the page I saw it on, I still firmly believe if it's Shakespeare, than it's a word.
Lately, I've done a LOT of deep thinking. Like, if my sister was sick, say around eight months ago, and I passed her bedroom whilst she was in there sick, I'd think nothing of it. But now I'd realize that whatever I thought at the moment I did that, was probably similar to what she had thought last time she passed my room on one of my off-days.
Me using "Hey" is like this boy in my English class who sits at my table, we'll call him Joe. Joe will constantly go up to miss Wilkie and, before asking his question, say "Wait!" For example...
-"Wait! For the Dynamic Dozen..." (Class Project)
-"Wait! Where should I start reading?"
-"Wait! You're about to step into a everlasting black hole that is will suck all humane thoughts and feelings from your body leaving nothing but your soul. Which it will infect until it's blue hue turns black from the poison it injects!" (Okay, I admit I made that one up)
I'm pretty sure that if Joe was about to say "Wait! Don't go outside because the giant aliens are waiting to kill you!" and they actually were, she wouldn't let him finish and save her life JUST BECAUSE he started the statement with "Wait!".
Okay. Oh, and X-etra Man, if by some miracle you read this and I forget to tell you, my Uncle says hi. (He read this blog)
Hee hee

Saturday 27 March 2010

Where's Rex?

Title-I am in the Big U! Utah! We have a place out here. My "Aunt" Teresa and "Uncle" Peter are here as well. Right now we're talking about bacon. Surprisingly, I'm enjoying myself. I usually don't get into listening people talk about eating baconated (My word) pig, but I am. So, yep.
Sea-saw-Hey, my friends were having a debate about if those things were a kid sits on each side of a wooden plank. One of them said that it's called a teeter-todder, the other said it was a sea-saw. I agree with the sea-saw.
Bacon (Sausage) Fest- at my "Aunt" and "Uncle's" church, they have a thing called bacon fest. They get like a mondo amount of bacon and then the men descend upon it like wolves. We are eating sausage and as my mom is serving it my dad says "Sausage Fest". So I need to go and descend on my two pieces of sausage like a wolf.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

I Gots to Tell You Something (This Means You, X-Etra)

So, I was at our school's Carnival For Cambodia and was walking around when, what do you know, I see X-etra man advertising a raffle. If you don't know who X-etra man is, look in my blogger links. ANYWAY... I went over to see what was up and guess what? There was a raffle and the winner would get a portrait done by one of the students at our school. At that point, only X had entered. There was one other person who had entered. The artist didn't want to draw X. So I entered so the artist wouldn't have to.
Guess what?
I won! Actually, Ellie and I won because I put both our names down.
(Yes, Mac. THAT Rex. Because you know so many)

Monday 22 March 2010

Squids, Fist Bumps, and BieberMania

I am so sorry it has taken me this long to update ;)
Squids- today we dissected squids in our sixth grade science class. The thought of dissecting an animal that had lived was enough to make me want to be a vegetarian. Needless to say, I sat out. Sure, dissecting squids may lead to great scientific discovery- but I'm more of an art-and-reading girl.
Fist Bumps- Okay, before I explain, can I just say that one of the most popular guys in school was fortunate enough to get a locker next to mine. So, at some point today, I was opening my locker when he tries to do one of those fist bumpy-thingies. I do them with my friends, but the way we do it is way cooler. Anyway, I ignored him. So he reached down to the hand that was unlocking my locker and he bumped it. I told him it doesn't count. He said it didn't. I insisted it didn't. He insisted it did. I said that the person had to do it voluntarily. He walked away. I laughed. I won.
BieberMania- Apparently the now 16-year-old Justin Bieber should be gearing up for a big year. I don't know why so many people like him- don't get me wrong, he's okay, but seriously. He sings like a seven year old girl. But he's releasing his "second album in five months". I read it on Yahoo!. Now you Justin Bieber fans out there just have to ask yourselves- Do you really want to be part of BieberMania? Do you want to help Justin Bieber take over the world?
I don't.
Just sayin'.
Love Me. (Get it? Forget it....)

Saturday 13 March 2010

Facing Fear, And Making a Fool Of Myself

So. You know how in fifth grade, that one kid bullies you? Well, he basically teases you in an exaggerated and mean way? And then you move on to the middle school and after a while you realize that he stopped, and you think he won't be bothering you again.? Yeah, well, you're wrong.
I was in town yesterday with a few friends and we were in an alley waiting for one of their moms to come and pick them up. So you know that kid I mentioned earlier? That kid came over to us, with his friends flanking him, and started to annoy us. We just kept talking to each other but eventually we started responding to what they were saying. At one point one of the guys stole Ellie's viola and started running with it. I went and got it. When I got back they were stealing Ellie's other stuff so I just went a head and grabbed the book they stole from him.
Evil Austen-loving minions.
I will get revenge
(If I figure out how to)

Friday 12 March 2010

Max Ride

You don't realize how much you love the people around you...
Until you lose them.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Special is Flawed

The only flaw to everyone being differant?
You can never replace the people you lose.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Reading, Doctors, Posters, and Testing

(Regular = Me 1, Italics = Me 2)
I haven't uploaded in so long!
Well, hello to you, too!
Oh. Yeah. That.
Yeah, THAT. Your kinda supposed be courteous.
It's MY blog. I can do whatever. I. Want!
I'm you. It's my blog, too.
Man. You can be so mean.
You just called yourself mean.
Man! You can be soooo stupid!
You just called yourself stupid.
Claps for me!
I would NEVER say that.
No. You did.
Touche. How were the ?SATS?
Good. I wrote a pretty dang awesome essay.
Good. We have to get them good grades.

Okay, I'm gonna type like normal now. One of my other Besties, ( I call 'em that. Get over it.) is sleeping over tonight because her family is at the doctor's with her brother. My heart goes out to them as he has been sick for some time. I hope he gets better soon...
Anyway, she has helped me make a poster for my room. It has a lot of my favorite singers on it, mostly Taylor Swift, and Harry Potter. It looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I am a reading machine! I need to read LESS. Most people need to read more. Like this one girl in my science class who couldn't pronounce some every-day words.
Anyway, I need to stop saying Anyway

Friday 26 February 2010

Two More Down, One to Go

I mistyped in my last post, I got four books. I just finished the third of those books. It's called "To Catch A Prince" and I honestly think they should have edited better. The back of the book says they were vacationing in Paris, but they were in LONDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh.... yeah.
(I'm really worked up about this.)
(sorry, guess you knew that..)

Thursday 25 February 2010

I Read TOO Fast

I'm depressed.
Wanna know why? No?
Well, too bad. I'm telling you. Today I went to the book fair. I bought five books. Yes, five. I have already finished one. It was 278 pages. Thus the title "I read too fast." So, I need book suggestions. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 24 February 2010


I want to be average!
But my ELA teacher said "Your not average." Just because I'm in ELA and Advanced Math doesn't mean I'm average. Just because I am cursed with a curse that means only hurting the left side of my body doesn't mean I'm special. And just because I get bullied more than others doesn't mean I'm not average. I'm still just a girl with hopes and dreams, when you get down to it. And whoever thinks differantly can go for a swim, (Well, they HAVE to go. I'll push them ;) )
Oh, and I just got a voice recorder to record my dreams in the morning so ya'll can hear the interesting ones.

Tour After Tour After Tour....

Hey, peoples!
Today, during our school bookfair, I am giving tours! My sister came home all grumpy-like, so I am moderately concerned that I will be that way too. It seems like it will be fun and our social worker thinks I'll do great, so... who knows.
If it is torture, I think the worst part will be knowing that I volunteered to do this. I brought the torture upon myself, including a possible tour with Mac (Who also has a blog.... look in the link for the blog name... I'll post it once I find it!)

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Is that Normal?

Hey ya'll!
I just booked another babysitting job! It ends at 11:00 pm, which is when I usually fall asleep. The last time I babysat for these two kids, one of them fell asleep on the couch without underwear on and the only way she'd let me carry her up the stairs was if I let her wrap her legs around me. I had to get her into her bed, so I carried her like a koala. Did I mention she wasn't wearing underwear?
Is that normal?
Hey, people I don't know! (Or maybe do know...)
Lately I've realized what a joke people in my school think my life is. And I've decided that I might need a second opinion. So here you go, people out there! Help guide me towards the right decisions as I tell you my day and how I handled it. Trust me, it's not normal.
Need proof? Yeah, I thought so. One day in ELA (Enriched Language Arts) a boy in my class, Jack, asked me if I wanted glitter in my hair. I said yes so he put glitter in it. The kids I was babysitting that night got a kick out of that.
STILL need proof? Well, I get migraines, don't sleep well, have a math teacher who scares Snape, not to mention that all the boys in my grade have decided that it's their jobs to make every Friday that I go into town for miserable.
So here we go. My truely pathetic life written here for all to see. Go ahead, laugh at the stories, I would. But keep in mind that this is my life. And I'm just trying to enjoy it.
Forever And Always,
*All names have not been changed. If you recognize these events under your name and you don't like it ask me to change your name. I will happily oblidge, (is that spelled right?).